Winds delay launch

An unfavourable weather forecast has  prompted  Nasa to  delay the launch of its high-pressure scientific balloon.

Today  was the first day of the "window" for the launch of the third  super pressure balloon from Wanaka Airport.

Nasa communications chief Jeremy Eggers said forecast winds  were variable and  not aligned in a direction which would support a launch. Winds needed to be light and coming from the east,  he said.

"As with previous campaigns, our team will assess weather daily to determine if the conditions are right to support a launch attempt."

Nasa was also  seeking clearances from countries potentially along the balloon’s flight path as it travelled around the southern hemisphere’s mid-latitudes, he said.

In the meantime, the crew based in Wanaka would take part in community outreach events.

A "locals day" on Thursday in the airport hangers being used by Nasa attracted about 250 visitors.

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