Subdivision planned

Another subdivision is being planned for Wanaka which, if given the go ahead, will add another 23 houses to the town’s growing housing stock.

Peter Gordon and HGW Trustee’s Ltd have applied for resource consent to subdivide 22.3ha of land into 23 residential sections between Cardrona Valley Rd, Golf Course Rd, Gordon Rd and Frederick St.

The resource consent application was prepared by Southern Land Ltd planner Scott Edgar.

Most of the land is zoned rural, with small areas along Cardrona Valley Rd zoned rural residential.

A small area near Frederick St is zoned industrial.

The residential lots would range in size from 665sq m to 1351sq m.

Three rural balance lots where no development would be allowed would surround the residential plots and make up about 18.9ha of the site. Access would be provided to the subdivision by a new intersection and road connecting with Cardrona Valley Rd at the western extent of the proposed site.

Part of the proposed residential development would border the the back of the Aspiring Lifestyle Retirement Village.

A 5m landscaped buffer strip, made up of native vegetation, has been proposed along the retirement village boundary to provide screening and separation.

A landscape report was prepared by Erica Gilchrist, of Gilchrist Design Co.

In her assessment, Ms Gilchrist said while there would be minor changes to the rural character of the site the development would be a logical extension of existing urban development already in the area.

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