Tracy Osborne created Pennon Earth in conjunction with World Environment Day as a reminder to all residents of the crusade for an environmentally friendly future.
"A pennon is something medieval knights used to tie to their lances before they went into battle.
"My work is a sustainable flag, representative of going into battle for the environment," Ms Osborne said.
She spent about 40 hours making the 4m-high work which comprises 87 circular glass inserts made from reused glass sourced from Central Otago WasteBusters.
Ms Osborne said children from throughout the district had helped her make the glass inserts as a part of a children's art festival in Alexandra earlier this month.
She later placed them in the tanalised timber frame.
It took two Fulton Hogan Central staff an hour to concrete the work of art in place on Central Otago District Council-owned park land opposite The Cellar Door and Stadium Tavern.
Ms Osborne said small-scale planting around the work would finish the project