Greens pledge $750m flooding fund

James Shaw. Photo: RNZ
James Shaw. Photo: RNZ
The Green Party wants to set up a $750 million fund to protect towns and cities from flooding, if it is part of a government after October's general election.

Co-leader James Shaw said today the Urban Nature Fund was included in the Greens' Climate-Safe Communities plan.

It would empower communities to create jobs involved in restoring and protecting nature in towns and cities, he said.

It would also slash greenhouse gas emissions, and protect homes and communities from future extreme weather, he said.

"Instead of having governments that are reacting to disaster, our Climate-Safe Communities plan will shift towards creating stronger communities. Resilient, affordable, inclusive communities that can meet everyone's needs despite the challenges of the disrupted climate.

The party would set rules to "make sure developers and councils are working together to construct more resilient homes and buildings designed to handle extreme weather, and ensure greater use of green spaces that not only provide a space to relax, but filter and drain flood waters."

Co-leader Marama Davidson said the party wants to bring towns and cities "into balance with a healthy climate and thriving nature" and make sure they "meet the needs of everyone within the limits of the planet".