Court date set for 'Wolf mask' youths

Youths arrested over a "wolf mask" disturbance at Charteris Bay near Christchurch last month are heading for a February status hearing, and one 17-year-old is staying in custody.

Tony Tonihi, unemployed, was remanded in custody today by Christchurch District Court Judge Raoul Neave to a status hearing with his fellow accused on February 2.

Such hearings usually set dates for a defended hearing before a judge alone.

The others are being remanded to the same date. Tonihi has been held in custody since his arrest after bail was refused at a hearing last month, Christchurch Court News website reported.

The youths face charges involving offensive weapons, using threatening language, and intentionally damaging a vehicle.

The weapons were said to be a hammer, wheelbrace and wooden bat.

The incident happened at Charteris Bay, on the southern shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour on November 14, when police say members of the public confronted a carload of youths allegedly causing trouble near Orton Bradley Park.

A witness said one of the youths in the car was wearing a rubber wolf mask.

Police said the group drove off after members of the public armed with sticks and golf clubs advanced on them.

The car later crashed and rolled and four youths were tracked into the hills by police dogs and then arrested.


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