Christchurch manslaughter-accused in custody

Bail has been refused for a 22-year-old driver now facing manslaughter charges for allegedly killing two people in a Christchurch crash after fleeing from a police traffic stop.

Phillip Bruce Ray Bannan, unemployed, was charged with driving while disqualified after the crash on August 26, but reappeared in Christchurch District Court this afternoon to face two manslaughter charges, driving with excess blood-alcohol, and dangerous driving.

Bannan's blood test showed a level of 174mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, when the legal limit is 80mg, according to the charge.

Since his original appearance, the Crown solicitor has been considering whether more serious charges ought to be laid.

Police prosecutor Anselm Williams said police opposed bail when Bannan appeared on the new charges, before Judge Brian Callaghan.

The charges arose from a crash at the corner of Fitzgerald Ave and Gloucester St in which Deidre Valerie Jordan, 67, and Norman Richard Fitt, 73, were killed.

Defence counsel Elizabeth Bulger said Bannan had already answered his bail for a previous remand even though he knew more serious charges were being considered.

But Judge Callaghan said the charges were now very serious, with manslaughter carrying a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. He said the prosecution had made out a case for Bannan continuing to be held in custody, and remanded him without plea to October 1.

Miss Bulger said pleas were likely to be entered at that appearance.




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