Queen's High School held its junior prizegiving recently.
The prize list is. -
Special awards
Year 9 speech, Zoe O'Leary; year 10 speech, Hope Henare; service to year 10, Riley Homan; contribution and leadership in Maori, Hope Henare; service health committee, Riley Homan; best all-round junior sportswoman, Casey Kruishoop.
Year 9
Outstanding academic excellence: Chloe Alexander (excellence art, humanities, French, science, merit music, food technology, mathematics, English); Leah Anderson (excellence art, science, humanities, fabric technology, food technology, Spanish, digital technologies, mathematics, merit physical education and health); Ella Cameron(excellence humanities, dance, Spanish, digital technologies, mathematics, drama); Ana Halalilo-Rouvi (excellence science, humanities, Maori, English, merit food technology, physical education and health);Jessie Hansen (excellence science, Maori, digital technologies, mathematics, English, merit dance); Louise Nicolson (excellence science, humanities, food technology, digital technologies, physical education and health); Caitlin Sue (excellence art, humanities, French, mathematics, English, merit physical education and health); Jordana Taylor (excellence humanities, physical education and health, fabric technology, Spanish, English, merit science, mathematics); Taana Trotter (excellence science, humanities, French, digital technologies, mathematics); Veisinia Veikoso (excellence science, French, humanities, English, diligence mathematics).
Excellence, merit and diligence: Katelyn Andrew (diligence literacy); Shani Ayson (excellence science, merit English); Jonna Barth (excellence Spanish, physical education and health); Morgan Biddington (excellence English); Kyla Blair (excellence food technology); Gullu Boztas (excellence French, physical education and health, merit humanities, diligence science, mathematics, English); Aimee Bryan (excellence fabric technology, digital technologies, physical education and health); Poppy Cairns (excellence humanities, English, drama, merit dance, physical education and health, mathematics); Tegan Cameron-Tohiariki (merit English); Georgia Chester (merit science, English); Ellesha Clark (excellence physical education and health); Summer Coombs (diligence mathematics); Antonia Craig (merit drama); Brenna Cropley (excellence dance, food technology, merit music); Sumari de Bruin (excellence food technology, Spanish); Lucy Elliott (merit fabric technology, physical education and health, diligence mathematics); Aliesha Edmunds (excellence English, merit humanities); Jazmyn Fox (merit physical education and health); Caitlin Harris (excellence physical education and health, merit science); Olivia Harris-Rhodes (excellence humanities, merit mathematics); Kate-Lin Hendry (excellence science, merit drama); Tayla Hibbs (excellence physical education and health, merit science); Alyssa Kennedy (excellence science, mathematics, merit humanities, physical education and health); Madison Kinnane (merit English); Aroha-Roimata Kona-Leech (excellence Maori); Savannah Hughes (merit mathematics); Hannah Idour (merit physical education and health, diligence literacy); Kimberlee Jolly (diligence humanities, literacy); Brittney Kerr (diligence literacy); Courtney Luskie (excellence humanities, fabric technology); Holly Mason (merit food technology, diligence science); Aljuni Matega (excellence Spanish, merit English); Kirsty McCorkindale (excellence physical education and health, Maori, merit science, diligence English); Caitlin McKinlay (excellence English, merit drama); Ruby Nicholas (excellence art, science, English, merit humanities, physical education and health); Mia Norwood (merit humanities, diligence mathematics); Zoe O'Leary (excellence digital technologies, English, merit drama); Ariana Paul (merit physical education and health); Marika Pawluk (excellence digital technologies, merit humanities, mathematics); Cheyenne Peek (diligence English); Piper Penniket (excellence Spanish, merit mathematics, humanities); Abbey Perkins (merit physical education and health); Sylvia Pomare (excellence Maori); Emma Robertson (merit physical education and health); Kaila Tahitahi (excellence Maori, mathematics); Raiven Todd (excellence food technology, Maori, science, merit music, humanities, mathematics, physical education and health, English); Holly Toki (merit physical education and health); Te Hohi Valentine (excellence Maori); Makareta Wesley-Evans (diligence science, mathematics, English).
Year 10
Outstanding academic excellence: Kaitlin Atkinson (excellence science, mathematics, humanities, English, French, merit physical education and health); Juliette Bernard (excellence art, music, English, drama, merit science, diligence mathematics, humanities); Amy Cleaver (excellence humanities, French, physical education and health, English, merit science, mathematics); Gemma Clydesdale (excellence science, digital technologies, mathematics, humanities, physical education and health, English); Riley Homan (excellence fabric technology, humanities, physical education and health, English, merit art, science, food technology); Isabel Laing (excellence art, science, digital visual communication, humanities, English, merit mathematics); Carina McLay (excellence science, humanities, physical education and health, drama, merit mathematics); Aoife Picken (excellence science, digital visual communication, mathematics, humanities, English, merit physical education and health).
Excellence, merit and diligence: Anastasia Ashley (excellence science); Alana Bagley (merit humanities, mathematics, physical education and health, English); India Barrett (excellence humanities); Yasasmi Basnayake (excellence art, music, merit humanities, diligence science, mathematics); Samantha Bryan (merit humanities, diligence food technology); Kendra Buist (excellence drama, merit digital technologies); Rachel Bungard (merit fabric technology); Brooke Campbell (excellence humanities, merit science, mathematics, English, food technology); Lily Collins (excellence semester art, Maori, merit physical education and health, drama); Tayla Curline (excellence English, drama, merit mathematics); Tequila Dick-Karetai (excellence Maori); Grace Dickson (excellence Maori, drama, merit food technology); Savannah Ellott-Underhill (excellence digital visual communication); Shontelle Evans (diligence SPEC); Toni Fowler (excellence French, humanities, English); Cheyenne Gamblin (merit English); Denderah Gould (diligence literacy, dance, SPEC); Toni Hall (excellence humanities, English, merit science, digital technologies, diligence mathematics); Kea Hansen-Johnston (merit mathematics NCEA level 1); Morgan Hedley (merit art); Hope Henare (excellence English, Maori, merit physical education and health, drama, mathematics); Meg Hurring (merit physical education and health); Nicole Jenkins (excellence English, drama, merit dance, diligence mathematics, humanities); Judah Kelly (merit physical education and health); Hayley Kettings (excellence English, merit science, French, mathematics, humanities, physical education and health); Rebkha Knauf (merit science, mathematics, physical education and health); Harriet Koch (excellence humanities, food technology, English); Casey Kruishoop (excellence food technology, digital technologies, physical education and health, merit science); Haixin Li (excellence semester art, merit humanities, mathematics, diligence science); Cheyenne Mamanu-Grupplear (excellence dance, merit physical education and health); Nesara McBratney (excellence semester art, merit digital technologies); Hineterangi Moko-Cassidy (excellence Maori); Lyric Newman (merit physical education and health); Xana Pua (merit science, French); Eden Purvis (merit humanities, physical education and health, English); Brooke Rolleston (diligence Japanese); Rebecca Scott (excellence humanities, English, merit science , physical education and health); Brenna Sinclair (excellence dance); Chantelle Vanisi (merit physical education and health); Kristen Wingham (merit English, diligence mathematics); Madeline Witchall (merit youth incentive programme).