King’s High School junior prizes

Junior prize list for King's High School

Prestige awards

Special prizes

Year 9: George Bates, top academic pupil; Adam Greenfield, top all-round award; Noah Scott, top all-round award; Joshua Cooper, excellence; Josh Child, excellence; Jona Cooper, excellence; Aaron Hewson, excellence; Oscar Te Morenga-Wakelin, excellence; George Bates, leadership, social studies, science department prize, accelerated mathematics, English prize, language prize Japanese; Angus Cameron, physical education department prize; Jack Muir, physical education department prize; Noah Scott, top mathematician; Manaki Thomson, improvement in mathematics; Jona Cooper, language prize French; Quinn Benson-Gamble, service and contribution in English.

Year 10:William Scharpf, top academic pupil; Duncan Roff, top all-round award; Corey Symon, top all-round award; Clayton Davidson, excellence; Jamie Haenraets, excellence; Trent Hawthorne, excellence; Joel Reddiex, excellence; Matthew Wong, excellence; Solomon Filipo, top Pacific Island pupil; Ryan Jones, top Pacific Island pupil, geography; Tumai Cassidy, top pupil Maori studies; Tumai Cassidy, accelerated Maori; Dallas Hartmann, leadership; Sean Baxter, technology; Clayton Davidson, digital technology department prize; Daniel Reed, sports science; William Scharpf, social studies, accelerated mathematics; Corey Symon, science scholar, English department prize; Jack Allum-Bell, physical education department prize; Matthew Wong, music department prize; George Bates, mathematics department prize; Michael Finnie, improvement in mathematics; Oliver Murphy, language prize Japanese; Trent Hawthorne, history; Liam Condliffe, language prize French; Joshua Rademeyer, service and contribution in English; Duncan Roff, economics; Cameron Hassall, drama; Jamie Haenraets, top art prize, design and visual communication.

Academic awards

Year 9


Excellence: Harvey Stephens (art, drama, digital and visual communication, leadership, Maori, music, technology, merit careers, design technology, English, mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Louis McKay (art, careers, digital and visual communication, leadership, science, technology, merit design technology, English, French, music, social studies, attainment), Paul Friel (drama, design technology, English, Japanese, science, merit art, Maori, mathematics, music, social studies, Spanish, technology, attainment), Ben Sowman (French, leadership, Maori, Spanish, technology, merit art, design technology, mathematics, music, physical education, science, attainment), Zach Kinnane (mathematics, music, Spanish, technology, merit art, design technology, English, French, social studies, attainment), Keanu Vanisi (music, physical education, Spanish, technology, merit art, Maori, attainment), Michael Lydiate (design technology, leadership, music, merit art, English, science, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Lucas Eymor (physical education, technology, merit art, careers, drama, English, Maori, music, science, social studies, attainment), Cameron McKean (design technology, leadership, merit Maori, mathematics, music, science, social studies, Spanish, technology, attainment), Zeke Beauchamp (art, Spanish, merit drama, Maori, mathematics, music, attainment), Jacob Evile (Spanish, technology, merit art, Japanese, Maori, music, attainment), Jamal Penese (art, leadership, merit English, music, Spanish, technology, attainment), Josh Cresswell (art, leadership, merit Maori, Spanish, attainment), Ryan Watterston (leadership, physical education, merit mathematics, technology, attainment), Cairo Gibbs-White (leadership, merit art, careers, drama, design technology, Japanese, music, Spanish, technology, attainment), Jack Fowler (technology, merit art, design technology, digital and visual communication, French, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Bailey Devenie (music, merit careers, Japanese, mathematics, social studies, Spanish, technology, attainment), Kyle Brunning-Gilmore (leadership, merit art, Maori, music, science, technology, attainment), Ina Uriaro (technology, merit drama, Japanese, mathematics, science, Spanish, attainment), Ty-rae Cherry (art, merit design technology, music, Spanish, technology, attainment), Thomas de Clifford (French, merit drama, music, technology, attainment), William Booth (technology, merit English, music, attainment).

Merit: Ryan Horn (drama, design technology, music, science, social studies, technology, attainment), Shakira Warner (art, mathematics, music, Spanish, technology, attainment), Ewan Hesketh (design technology, Japanese, Spanish, attainment), Callum Rowley (music, social studies, technology, attainment), Cory Vigers (Spanish, technology, attainment).


Excellence: Joshua Reid (art, drama, Spanish, merit design technology, Maori, social studies, attainment), J'Dah Carlson (Maori, Spanish, merit careers, English, social studies, attainment), Daniel Penniket (Maori, Spanish, merit English, social studies, technology, attainment), Jaxon Elisara (music, Spanish, merit art, Maori, attainment), Lachi Foxton-Smith (drama, Spanish, merit music, attainment), Va'ai Teofilo (art, leadership, merit Maori, attainment), Kyran Miller-Bowler (Maori, merit careers, drama, digital and visual communication, English, social studies, attainment), Adam Morton (Spanish, merit art, digital and visual communication, attainment), Joshua Nevin (physical education, merit careers, social studies, attainment), Braydon Ngatae (Maori, merit drama, Spanish, attainment), Jarrod Kreft (physical education, merit careers, attainment), Eddie Taylor-Brockie (design technology, merit Spanish, attainment), Shaedon Ager (art, attainment).

Merit: Riley Johnston (drama, design technology, Maori, social studies, attainment), Travis Knight (art, design technology, English, social studies, attainment), Jared Dewar (drama, social studies, attainment), Adam Masaki (art, Spanish, attainment), Zaviah Mowat (Maori, physical education, attainment), Fotu Peni (music, Spanish, attainment), Hayden Taylor (English, social studies, attainment), Nick Carter (careers, attainment), Jacob Roos (physical education, attainment).


Excellence: Jacob Jopson (art, drama, Japanese, Maori, mathematics, music, science, social studies, Spanish, merit careers, design technology, English, attainment), Rohan Wingham (art, drama, design technology, leadership, Maori, music, science, social studies, Spanish, merit English, mathematics, technology, attainment), Angus Cameron (drama, leadership, Maori, physical education, social studies, technology, merit careers, English, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Max Parkes (design and visual communication, English, French, music, science, social studies, merit careers, mathematics, Spanish, technology, attainment), Harper Halalilo-Rouvi (drama, design and visual communication, leadership, Maori, music, Spanish, merit English, technology, attainment), Ben Mills (art, English, leadership, social studies, Spanish, merit drama, design technology, music, science, technology, attainment), Maxym Kryvonos (art, design technology, design and visual communication, mathematics, Spanish, merit Maori, science, attainment), Ben Horlock (drama, Maori, music, Spanish, merit careers, design technology, English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, attainment), Samuel Standring (art, French, science, social studies, merit design technology, English, Maori, mathematics, music, attainment), Beckham Wheeler-Greenall (leadership, physical education, social studies, Spanish, merit careers, English, music, science, technology, attainment), Ethan James (English, French, science, social studies, merit design technology, mathematics, music, attainment), Brad McPate (design and visual communication, music, physical education, technology, merit design technology, science, Spanish, attainment), Josh Short (art, Japanese, leadership, Spanish, merit mathematics, music, social studies, attainment), Edward Johnson (art, music, Spanish, technology, attainment), Georgy Romanov (design technology, mathematics, Spanish, merit English, music, science, technology, attainment), Valentin Kaszala (design technology, mathematics, music, merit science, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Jack Muir (art, leadership, physical education, merit Maori, music, science, attainment), Cory McKenzie (leadership, technology, merit design technology, English, French, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Andrew Potter (leadership, Spanish, merit English, music, science, social studies, attainment), Caleb McEwan (art, Spanish, merit design and visual communication, English, music, attainment), Devon Olsen (leadership, merit English, Maori, mathematics, music, science, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Tom Poole (art, merit careers, drama, English, mathematics, music, science, social studies, attainment), Adam Jamieson (Spanish, merit design and visual communication, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Finn Quigley (design and visual communication, merit mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Tyson Taikato-Grant (Maori, merit drama, mathematics, science, attainment), Koal Kirkman (leadership, merit science, attainment), Brayden Thomas (music, attainment).

Merit: Harry Booth (mathematics, music, social studies, attainment).


Excellence: Liam Bone (art, careers, drama, leadership, merit design technology, design and visual communication, English, French, Spanish, attainment), Joel Blair (careers, leadership, merit mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Luka Connor (art, leadership, merit design technology, Maori, technology, attainment), Nasili Ikahihifo (art, Spanish, merit careers, mathematics, technology, attainment), Aidan McEwan (design technology, leadership, merit music, social studies, attainment), Lennie Tuckey (drama, Japanese, merit design technology, attainment), Ben Addison (Maori, merit art, design technology, design and visual communication, English, French, social studies, attainment), Thomas Than (Spanish, merit careers, French, Maori, mathematics, music, physical education, attainment), Ryker Green (Maori, merit drama, design and visual communication, music, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Elliot van Strik-Taylor (design and visual communication, merit art, English, Japanese, Maori, music, attainment), Jackson Thomson (leadership, merit drama, design technology, social studies, technology, attainment), Josh Olds (art, merit drama, design and visual communication, music, attainment), Alex McColl (art, merit drama, music, attainment), Louis Buskin (Spanish, merit Japanese, attainment), Jacob Gilbert (physical education, merit social studies, attainment), Sebastian Keene (music, merit mathematics, attainment), Jadyn Reihana-Flett (Maori, attainment).

Merit: Blake Siksik (art, careers, design and visual communication, music, physical education, social studies, attainment), Jesse Bainbridge (drama, English, mathematics, science, technology, attainment), Joseph La Hood (art, Japanese, mathematics, music, social studies, attainment), Kaiden Waldron (careers, Maori, mathematics, music, Spanish, attainment), Daniel Tutty (design and visual communication, Japanese, music, social studies, attainment), Jamie Ward-Smith (art, drama, music, attainment), Connor Maclaren (mathematics, social studies, attainment), Gaige Bowler (physical education, attainment), Flynn Murdoch (art, attainment).


Excellence: Shaan Maunder (art, Maori, technology, merit drama, design and visual communication, physical education, attainment), Emmanuel Ventura (Maori, physical education, merit Spanish, attainment), Jacob Patterson (Spanish, merit drama, physical education, social studies, technology, attainment), Jordan Bailey (leadership, merit drama, Maori, social studies, attainment), Joel Bolton (leadership, merit art, design and visual communication, Maori, attainment), Max Fleury-Auld (Spanish, merit physical education, social studies, attainment), Spencer Horsewood (Maori, merit art, social studies, attainment), Nick Idour (leadership, merit art, Spanish, attainment), Alex Park (drama, merit art, careers, attainment), Manaia Thomas-Coleman (Spanish, merit art, Maori, attainment), Manaki Thomson (drama, merit Maori, Spanish, attainment), Caleb Street (art, merit social studies, attainment), Darkhan Kebekbayev (technology, attainment).

Merit: Rueben Towers (art, drama, Maori, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Luke Walker (art, Maori, physical education, attainment), Brad Harrison (drama, social studies, attainment), Ryan Murphy (Spanish, technology, attainment), Beau Campbell (Spanish, attainment), Samuel Mclean (social studies, attainment), Job Sukroj (art, attainment), Rory Winder (drama, attainment).


Excellence: R V Quijano (art, careers, drama, design technology, design and visual communication, English, Japanese, leadership, mathematics, music, social studies, Spanish, merit Maori, science, technology, attainment), Oscar Robinson (careers, design technology, English, leadership, mathematics, Spanish, technology, merit drama, Japanese, music, science, social studies, attainment), Ruaridh Hennessy (careers, design technology, leadership, mathematics, Spanish, technology, merit art, design and visual communication, English, music, science, social studies, attainment), Logan Cadzow (design technology, leadership, mathematics, music, Spanish, technology, merit art, design and visual communication, English, science, social studies, attainment), Rhys Wheeler (art, drama, design technology, mathematics, Spanish, technology, merit design and visual communication, English, music, science, social studies, attainment), Christian Macalisang (design technology, leadership, mathematics, music, social studies, Spanish, merit English, science, technology, attainment), Shaquille Berwick (design technology, leadership, Maori, mathematics, music, merit drama, English, physical education, social studies, Spanish, technology, attainment), Mason Putt (art, English, leadership, mathematics, Spanish, merit design technology, design and visual communication, music, science, social studies, technology, attainment), Reuben Howie (art, careers, design and visual communication, leadership, mathematics, merit English, Maori, music, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Ryan McCleery (design technology, leadership, mathematics, music, Spanish, merit English, Maori, science, social studies, attainment), Jack Carter (design technology, French, leadership, mathematics, merit art, Maori, social studies, Spanish, technology, attainment), Jamie Honey (drama, design technology, English, Spanish, merit mathematics, music, social studies, technology, attainment), Kole North (design technology, mathematics, Spanish, technology, merit art, English, Maori, science, attainment), Lewis Wall (drama, leadership, music, technology, merit design technology, mathematics, physical education, Spanish, attainment), Jacob King (design and visual communication, leadership, mathematics, technology, merit art, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Sam Judge (drama, leadership, Spanish, merit design technology, English, mathematics, music, social studies, attainment), Josh McGregor (Japanese, leadership, mathematics, merit Maori, Spanish, technology, attainment), Watene Edwards-Webb (Maori, mathematics, Spanish, merit drama, social studies, attainment), Alfie Horrocks (leadership, Spanish, technology, merit English, music, attainment), Jakob Philp (leadership, technology, merit drama, design technology, English, mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Jack McCauley (leadership, Maori, merit mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Thomas Stewardson (leadership, technology, merit design technology, mathematics, Spanish, attainment), Lachie Dreadon (Maori, merit drama, design technology, English, mathematics, Spanish, attainment), Samuel Newman (music, merit mathematics, Spanish, attainment), Blake Willits (leadership, merit Spanish, technology, attainment), Caleb Ralston (leadership, merit Spanish, attainment), Daniel Thomas (technology, attainment).

Merit: Elliot Miller (mathematics, social studies, Spanish, attainment).


Excellence: William Sowerby (art, design technology, design and visual communication, English, French, leadership, mathematics, social studies, Spanish, merit drama, Maori, music, science, technology, attainment), Torbjorn Sollie (art, drama, design technology, leadership, mathematics, Spanish, merit design and visual communication, English, science, social studies, attainment), Thomas Green (drama, English, Japanese, leadership, social studies, merit careers, design technology, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Connor Williams (design technology, Japanese, leadership, mathematics, Spanish, merit art, drama, science, attainment), George Procter (art, leadership, Maori, mathematics, physical education, merit design and visual communication, English, attainment), Hamish den Dekker (art, leadership, mathematics, science, merit design and visual communication, English, Maori, social studies, technology, attainment), Billy Adams-Lloyd (design technology, Japanese, leadership, Maori, merit art, careers, drama, mathematics, attainment), Campbell Landrebe (drama, leadership, Maori, music, merit design technology, English, mathematics, attainment), Che Arekatera Te Ra (art, drama, Maori, merit mathematics, physical education, attainment), Joshua Tuiavii (art, Maori, music, merit mathematics, attainment), Rowan Bell (leadership, mathematics, merit art, careers, design technology, English, Maori, science, social studies, attainment), Marcel Geytenbeek (design and visual communication, leadership, merit drama, French, mathematics, social studies, attainment), Caleb Hardie-Roberts (leadership, social studies, merit art, careers, mathematics, science, attainment), James Nicol (art, Japanese, merit careers, English, Maori, mathematics, attainment), Henry Mazhanov (design technology, mathematics, merit design and visual communication, French, attainment), Taine Hand (art, physical education, merit mathematics, attainment), Jordan Green (leadership, merit careers, English, French, mathematics, social studies, attainment), Connor McNeill (design technology, merit art, mathematics, social studies, technology, attainment), Maddy Barclay (leadership, merit drama, mathematics, technology, attainment), Dylan Hendry (leadership, merit drama, design and visual communication, mathematics, attainment), Ethan Clarke (design technology, merit French, mathematics, attainment), Blade Mosen (Maori, merit art, mathematics, attainment), Dante Geddes (leadership, merit mathematics, attainment).

Merit: George Scott (drama, design and visual communication, French, attainment), Jordan van Raalte (drama, Japanese, social studies, attainment), Seth Allan (mathematics, attainment), Ryan Evans (mathematics, attainment).


Excellence: Duncan Trevithick (art, physical education, technology, merit social studies, attainment), Luc Morley-Stephenson (art, merit technology, attainment).

Merit: Ethan von Metzinger (physical education, social studies, technology, attainment), Jordan Coward (art, design technology, attainment), Tane King (physical education, technology, attainment), Ethan Little (physical education, technology, attainment), Tom Stokes (social studies, technology, attainment), Tyler Christie (art, attainment), Aleksandra Macut (art, attainment), Sam Madison (social studies, attainment), Orlando Metuatai (design technology, attainment), Bailey Shand (art, attainment).


Excellence: Joshua Bork (art, careers, drama, design technology, design and visual communication, English, French, leadership, mathematics, music, science, social studies, technology, attainment), Jona Cooper (careers, drama, design technology, English, French, leadership, mathematics, music, science, social studies, Spanish, merit art, design and visual communication, Maori, technology, attainment), Aaron Hewson (art, careers, design technology, design and visual communication, English, French, leadership, mathematics, science, social studies, Spanish, merit music, technology, attainment), Leo Koyama (art, design and visual communication, English, Japanese, leadership, mathematics, music, science, Spanish, technology, merit drama, design technology, Maori, social studies, attainment), Adam Greenfield (drama, design technology, English, French, leadership, mathematics, music, science, social studies, merit art, careers, design and visual communication, Spanish, technology, attainment), Quinn Benson-Gamble (art, drama, design technology, design and visual communication, English, leadership, music, science, technology, merit careers, Maori, mathematics, Spanish, attainment), George Bates (careers, drama, English, Japanese, leadership, mathematics, science, social studies, Spanish, merit Maori, music, technology, attainment), Ben Salisbury (design technology, English, Japanese, Maori, mathematics, music, science, Spanish, technology, merit drama, physical education, social studies, attainment), Oscar Te Morenga-Wakelin (design technology, English, leadership, Maori, mathematics, music, science, social studies, Spanish, merit art, design and visual communication, attainment), Jacob Collie (art, careers, English, French, leadership, mathematics, science, Spanish, merit drama, design technology, design and visual communication, music, social studies, attainment), Josh Child (design technology, English, French, leadership, mathematics, science, social studies, Spanish, merit music, attainment), Alex Sanderson-Rodgers (design technology, English, Japanese, leadership, Maori, mathematics, science, merit drama, design and visual communication, music, Spanish, attainment), Fynn Helliwell (art, English, French, mathematics, music, Spanish, technology, merit design technology, science, attainment), Noah Scott (English, leadership, mathematics, physical education, social studies, Spanish, merit careers, design technology, design and visual communication, music, science, technology, attainment), Jake Remon (drama, French, music, science, social studies, Spanish, merit design technology, design and visual communication, English, Maori, mathematics, attainment), Gregor Clarkson (English, mathematics, music, social studies, Spanish, technology, merit drama, design technology, Maori, science, attainment), Zeke Buschl (design and visual communication, English, leadership, physical education, science, Spanish, merit drama, design technology, mathematics, attainment), James Nicolson (art, English, leadership, physical education, science, merit drama, design technology, mathematics, music, attainment), Ryan Blackie (design and visual communication, English, French, science, Spanish, merit design technology, mathematics, music, attainment), Benji Hibbert (design technology, English, French, leadership, science, merit careers, mathematics, music, attainment), Lochlan Cowles (drama, English, mathematics, science, Spanish, merit design technology, technology, attainment), Jake Foster (English, leadership, Spanish, technology, merit art, drama, design technology, design and visual communication, mathematics, music, physical education, science, attainment), Mason Baker (design technology, English, leadership, music, merit design and visual communication, Maori, mathematics, science, Spanish, technology, attainment), Tom Adam (English, mathematics, Spanish, technology, merit design technology, music, science, attainment), Daniel Hughes (design and visual communication, leadership, mathematics, merit drama, English, music, science, Spanish, attainment), Archie O'Sullivan (English, Spanish, merit design technology, design and visual communication, mathematics, music, science, attainment), Fergus Picken (English, Spanish, merit mathematics, science, attainment), Jordan Renton (mathematics, merit careers, design technology, English, music, Spanish, attainment), Liam Manning (Spanish, merit English, attainment).

Year 10


Excellence: Taumana Pene (drama, English, Maori, merit maths, physical education, attainment), Jack Allum-Bell (design and visual communications, physical education, technology, merit social studies, attainment), Xavier Wright (geography, maths, technology, merit science, attainment), Sean Baxter (art, technology, merit design and visual communications, social studies, attainment), Sam Stewart (design and visual communications, technology, merit physical education, attainment), Henry Heathman (design and visual communications, merit maths, science, social studies, technology, attainment), Mitchell Joyce (technology, merit economics, maths, science, sports science, attainment), Sean Davidson (geography, merit history, maths, social studies, attainment), Keelin Friel (science, merit Japanese, maths, social studies, attainment), Zac Jenkins (design and visual communications, merit maths, science, attainment), Elijah Samson (French, merit art, attainment), Caleb Shaw (physical education, attainment).

Merit: Luke Duncan (design technology, maths, science, Spanish, attainment), Daniya Yiliyaer (French, maths, science, sports science, attainment), Jacob Davies (maths, science, attainment), Logan Pearce (geography, science, attainment), Christopher Reid (maths, physical education, attainment), Kane Smith (economics, English, attainment), Jake Cresswell (geography, attainment), Jevon McFarlane (technology, attainment), Nick Unahi (drama, attainment).


Excellence: Bailey Carey (physical education, attainment), Abraham MacCormick-Hulsbosch (technology, attainment).

Merit: Zachary Avery-Ireland (art, design and visual communications, technology, attainment), Jack Cunningham (art, technology, attainment), Cody Burrell (geography, attainment), Carlos Debruyn (physical education, attainment), Tainui Little (social studies, attainment), Kaleb Shaw (physical education, attainment).


Excellence: Kyle Hastie (economics, maths, science, social studies, sports science, technology, merit physical education, attainment), Minindu Dissanayake (drama, economics, maths, music, science, social studies, attainment), Liam Condliffe (design technology, French, maths, physical education, sports science, merit English, science, social studies, attainment), Nathan Hastie (history, maths, social studies, sports science, technology, merit science, attainment), Stefan Savage-Mason (art, geography, maths, science, merit design and visual communications, English, social studies, attainment), Matt Lloyd (design technology, maths, science, sports science, merit French, social studies, attainment), Daniel Garcia Paez (design and visual communications, economics, maths, Spanish, merit social studies, attainment), J.D. Rademeyer (art, maths, science, merit design technology, design and visual communications, English, social studies, attainment), Keith Clearwater (geography, science, technology, merit history, maths, social studies, attainment), Kelsey Campen (Japanese, maths, science, merit art, design technology, attainment), Anton Sinclair (art, English, technology, merit maths, science, attainment), Matthew Christie (science, technology, merit economics, maths, physical education, attainment), Jed Collings (maths, sports science, merit design and visual communications, physical education, social studies, attainment), Campbell Craig (maths, technology, merit geography, science, social studies, attainment), Cameron Koykka (drama, history, merit Japanese, social studies, attainment), Izaak Parata (maths, merit economics, physical education, science, social studies, sports science, attainment), Jack Wassell (maths, merit design and visual communications, economics, geography, science, attainment), Tumai Cassidy (music, merit English, geography, social studies, attainment), Tom Jones (maths, merit economics, French, social studies, attainment), George Stewart (maths, merit design technology, economics, science, attainment), Blake McLean (maths, merit economics, science, attainment).

Merit: Sebastien McCarthy (English, geography, history, music, science, social studies, attainment), Sabin Reynolds (economics, Maori, maths, science, sports science, attainment), Jacob Burnett (design technology, Japanese, maths, science, attainment), Kane Wylie (art, design and visual communications, geography, science, attainment), Sam Clydesdale (physical education, social studies, sports science, attainment), Ethan van Staden (economics, social studies, attainment), Meihana Schooner (Maori, attainment).


Excellence: Luke Burke (history, music, science, social studies, technology, merit maths, attainment), Max Hurring (art, design and visual communications, physical education, science, merit design technology, English, maths, social studies, attainment), Liam Dougherty (drama, science, social studies, merit English, maths, music, attainment), Caleb Warren (physical education, science, technology, merit maths, attainment), D J Wilson (science, social studies, merit English, Japanese, maths, attainment), Nathan Farr (history, social studies, merit drama, science, attainment), Tane Te Hiwi (maths, science, merit Maori, social studies, attainment), Storm Doherty (geography, merit economics, English, maths, science, social studies, sports science, attainment), Jakob Aicken-Davies (technology, merit design technology, design and visual communications, maths, science, social studies, attainment), Flynn Haig (physical education, merit maths, science, social studies, attainment), Oliver Niblock (art, merit French, science, social studies, attainment), Zane Bishop-Fennessy (social studies, merit history, science, attainment), Mitchell Fox (maths, merit physical education, science, attainment), Isaac Paton (technology, merit maths, science, attainment), Dion Reid (science, merit maths, Spanish, attainment), Samuel Rekittke (technology, merit geography, social studies, attainment), Lester Stevenson (technology, merit art, design technology, attainment), Jax Clark (music, merit English, attainment), Cody Turner (technology, merit design and visual communications, attainment), Damil Kebekbayev (maths, attainment).

Merit: Oli Lobb (economics, maths, science, sports science, technology, attainment), Max McCormick (drama, maths, music, science, attainment), Matt Hanrahan (physical education, science, social studies, attainment), Lewis Manukau (science, social studies, attainment), Aidan Satake (social studies, technology, attainment), Manaia Russell (social studies, attainment), Jack Todd (science, attainment).


Excellence: Drew Cairney (design and visual communications, social studies, technology, merit maths, physical education, attainment), Cohen Geddes (social studies, technology, merit geography, science, attainment), Nickolas Bryan (physical education, merit social studies, technology, attainment), Azmir Aryal (physical education, merit Maori, attainment), Sam Cook (physical education, merit social studies, attainment), Ryan Gilbert (physical education, merit technology, attainment), Ahurei Hepi-Karena (Maori, merit maths, attainment), Hala Moata'ane (physical education, attainment).

Merit: Kane McLister (drama, maths, social studies, technology, attainment), Tua Moeroa (Maori, maths, social studies, attainment), Reuben Hanna (maths, technology, attainment), Harper Radcliffe (Maori, maths, attainment), Hayden Halligan (technology, attainment), Will Mathieson (technology, attainment), Nathan Saunders (art, attainment), Josh Simonsen (social studies, attainment), Phoenix Stevenson (maths, attainment).


Excellence: Ryan Jones (economics, geography, maths, physical education, social studies, technology, merit English, science, attainment), Quin Aicken-Davies (design technology, design and visual communications, maths, science, social studies, technology, merit English, attainment), Oliver Murphy (art, design technology, English, Japanese, maths, social studies, merit science, attainment), Joshua Rademeyer (English, Japanese, maths, science, social studies, technology, merit design technology, attainment), Cameron Hassall (art, economics, English, maths, social studies, merit science, Spanish, attainment), Anthony Lloyd (art, design and visual communications, Japanese, maths, science, merit English, social studies, attainment), Charles Small (economics, English, Japanese, maths, social studies, merit science, attainment), Avi Spiegel (maths, music, science, social studies, technology, merit English, attainment), James Young (design technology, English, maths, science, social studies, merit history, attainment), Spiro Hansen-Johnston (art, economics, maths, science, merit design technology, English, attainment), Cody Jowsey (Japanese, maths, social studies, merit design technology, design and visual communications, English, science, attainment), Chris Smith (design technology, maths, technology, merit English, history, science, attainment), Luke St John (geography, maths, social studies, merit economics, English, science, attainment), Matthew Satterthwaite (English, maths, social studies, merit science, attainment), Ryan Gardiner (geography, physical education, merit economics, English, maths, science, sports science, attainment), Chi Campbell (maths, physical education, merit economics, English, science, attainment), Dylan Thompson (maths, science, merit art, English, sports science, attainment), Kaleb Begg (maths, technology, merit science, attainment), Tom Harrison (art, maths, merit science, attainment), Jared Dobson (maths, science, attainment), Baidin Conijn (English, merit design and visual communications, history, Japanese, maths, science, social studies, attainment), Kaleb de Groot-Green (maths, merit design and visual communications, English, science, social studies, sports science, attainment), Aslan Goodwin (maths, merit art, economics, English, Japanese, science, attainment), Ben Taylor (social studies, merit English, maths, science, Spanish, attainment), Taylor de Boer (physical education, merit maths, science, sports science, attainment), Kaiya Hanley (Maori, merit history, science, attainment).

Merit: Harry Granger (design and visual communications, economics, physical education, science, technology, attainment), Michael Finnie (art, economics, maths, science, attainment), Max West (maths, science, attainment).


Excellence: Evan Brown (technology, merit history, attainment), James Paull (music, merit technology, attainment), Dylan Mokotupu (physical education, attainment), Hayes Newman (physical education, attainment), Reid Parker (physical education, attainment).

Merit: Tyrel Potaka-George (drama, music, attainment), Jaxon Tutaki (Maori, technology, attainment), Jayden Young (art, design and visual communications, attainment), Liam Constable (technology, attainment), Mana Duffy (physical education, attainment).


Excellence: William Scharpf (design and visual communications, English, maths, music, physical education, science, social studies, attainment), Jamie Haenraets (art, design and visual communications, English, maths, science, social studies, attainment), Joel Reddiex (economics, English, maths, science, social studies, Spanish, attainment), Duncan Roff (design and visual communications, economics, English, maths, science, social studies, attainment), Clayton Davidson (design technology, English, Japanese, maths, science, merit social studies, attainment), Solomon Filipo (English, maths, science, Spanish, sports science, merit social studies, attainment), Tom French (design and visual communications, English, maths, music, science, merit social studies, attainment), Dallas Hartmann (design and visual communications, English, maths, science, sports science, merit social studies, attainment), Trent Hawthorne (English, history, maths, music, science, merit social studies, attainment), Corey Symon (art, design and visual communications, English, maths, science, merit social studies, attainment), Matthew Wong (design technology, English, maths, music, science, merit social studies, attainment), Jay Alderson-Muir (design technology, English, maths, science, Spanish, attainment), Arlo Munro (design and visual communications, English, history, maths, science, attainment), Genta Kojima (design technology, maths, science, Spanish, merit English, physical education, social studies, attainment), Joey Mackle (design technology, economics, English, maths, merit science, social studies, attainment), Gabe Nol (maths, science, Spanish, sports science, merit English, social studies, attainment), Paddy Borthwick (design and visual communications, economics, maths, science, merit social studies, attainment), Cameron Bruce (design technology, English, maths, science, merit social studies, attainment), Hamish Cadzow (design technology, design and visual communications, maths, science, merit social studies, attainment), Hayden Smith (design technology, maths, music, science, attainment), Mitchell Anderson (design and visual communications, French, maths, merit English, science, social studies, attainment), Nathan Martin (design and visual communications, maths, physical education, merit science, social studies, sports science, attainment), Joshua Paku (design technology, design and visual communications, maths, merit English, science, social studies, attainment), Max Blundell (design and visual communications, maths, science, merit design technology, social studies, attainment), Josh Illingworth (maths, sports science, technology, attainment), Arlo James (Japanese, maths, merit English, history, science, social studies, attainment), Mitchell James (maths, technology, merit English, history, science, social studies, attainment), Daniel Reed (maths, sports science, merit English, science, social studies, attainment), Jack Charteris-Brownlie (design technology, maths, merit economics, science, attainment), Oliver Ross (maths, French, science, merit design technology, English, attainment), Brayden Bayne (maths, merit economics, attainment).

Merit: Ethan Sieroczuk (history, maths, sports science, attainment).

Service awards

Year 9

Cricket: Jacob Gilbert, Jacob Te Morenga-Wakelin, Beckham Wheeler-Greenall. Kapa haka: Watene Edwards-Webb, Ben Horlock, Campbell Landrebe, Joshua Tuiavii. Music: Logan Cadzow, Gregor Clarkson, Thomas Green, Ryker Green, Harper Halalilo-Rouvi, Jamie Honey, Ben Horlock, Campbell Landrebe, Ryan McCleery, R V Quijano, Jake Remon, Oscar Te Morenga-Wakelin, Keanu Vanisi, Rohan Wingham. Science: Tom Adam, Ryan Blackie, Lochlan Cowles, Adam Greenfield, Jamie Honey, Jacob Jopson, Sam Judge, Kole North, Leo Koyama, Maxym Kryvonos, Samuel Newman, James Nicolson, Archie O'Sullivan, Andrew Potter, Finn Quigley, Caleb Ralston, Georgy Romanov, Blake Siksik, Oscar Te Morenga-Wakelin, Jacob Te Morenga-Wakelin, Kaiden Waldron. Touch: Taine Hand.

Year 10

Cricket: Xavier Wright, Kyle Hastie, Nathan Hastie, Jack Wassell, Storm Doherty, Solomon Filipo. Drama: Kane McLister, Tyrel Potaka-George, Donnie Nicholson-Bertanees, Liam Dougherty, Oliver Niblock, Mitchell Fox, Cameron Hassall, Aslan Goodwin, Abraham MacCormick-Hulsbosch, Max McCormick, Nathan Martin. Kapa haka: Tumai Cassidy. Music: Reuben Hanna, Luke Burke, Corey Symon, Matthew Wong, Jayden Turnock, Nick Unahi, Max McCormick. Science: Nathan Martin, Dallas Hartmann, Solomon Filipo. Touch: Dallas Hartmann. Touch, year 10: George Stewart, Meihana Schooner.

Sport and culture

Year 9

Basketball: Jack Muir (most improved), Shaquille Berwick (most outstanding). Choir: R V Quijano (outstanding performance). Cricket: Beckham Wheeler-Greenall (most improved junior batsman, most outstanding junior cricketer), Jacob Gilbert (most improved junior bowler). Cross-country: George Bates (under-14 fastest time). Debating: Jamie Honey (debating prize). Football: Tom Poole (best weekly player), Noah Scott (most outstanding). Hockey: James Nicolson (most improved junior). Music: Joshua Tuiavii (band), Gregor Clarkson (band). Public speaking: R V Quijano (speech competition winner). Rugby: Emmanuel Ventura (most promising back), Keanu Vanisi (most promising forward). Swimming: Josh McGregor (champion).

Touch: Taine Hand (junior leadership). Water polo: Devon Olsen (most improved).

Year 10

Athletics: George Bates (under 14 champion). Basketball: Dallas Hartmann (most outstanding). Chess: William Scharpf (junior champion). Choir: Corey Symon (contribution to performance). Cricket: Solomon Filipo (greatest contribution to junior cricket). Cross-country: Drew Cairney (keenness and enthusiasm). Football: Genta Kojima (most promising), Ryan Gardiner (sportsmanship). Ice hockey: Max Hurring (most outstanding junior). Music: Matthew Wong (jazz band). Public speaking: Joey Mackle (speech competition winner). Rowing: Tom Jones (outstanding overall achievement). Rugby: Liam Condliffe (most improved), Nathan Hastie (most valuable junior), Izaak Parata (excellence in rugby), Ryan Jones (outstanding contribution to junior rugby). Swimming: Nathan Martin (champion). Tennis: Ethan Sieroczuk (junior champion). Touch: Ryan Gilbert (outstanding defensive player), Meihana Schooner (most valuable junior). Volleyball: Duncan Roff (most improved junior), Mitchell Anderson (most valuable junior). Water polo: Evan Brown (greatest contribution).

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