Special prizes
Dux (co-recipients): Sophie Graham, Emily Williams.
Proxime accessit, best all-round senior girl: Jodi Llewellyn.
Award for senior boarder who has shown particular leadership and kindness to junior boarders: Claudia Sim.
Head prefect: Sarah Dippie.
Head of house: Emma Stackhouse.
Courtesy, reliability and service: Ellen Richardson.
Service to special character of the college: Claire Anglin.
Service and diligence: Amy Logie, Kaitlynn Wheeler, Emily Williams.
Significant service to the house: Sandy Reid.
General helpfulness and the spirit of Columba award year 13: Katie Willis.
Merit award year 11 for consistent service and diligence: Katerina Thompson.
Academic awards
Year 13
Excellence: Kaia Bishop (chemistry, classics, French, physics, 1st calculus); Helen Gregory (English, French, history, statistics, 1st German); Polo Nguyen (biology, calculus, chemistry, English, physics, 1st music); Eleanor O'Neill (chemistry, drama, 1st equal classical studies); Katherine Woodfield (design, English, history, painting, statistics, endeavour visual arts).
Merit: Analise Cowie (biology, geography, statistics, 1st-equal digital technology, 1st equal physical education); Sarah Dippie (history, painting, statistics, good work English, economics, enterpriser of year); Patricia Goh (biology, chemistry, English, 1st physics, 1st statistics); Charlotte Hall (English, statistics, 1st economics, 1st geography, 1st equal physical education); Tori Locke (biology, classics, English, statistics, 1st equal digital technology); Serena Waterworth (classics, English, French, history, 1st drama); Katie Willis (digital technology, English, painting, 1st design, 1st equal digital technology); Elizabeth Yarnall (biology, classics, drama, English, history).
Diligence: Tyler Jeffries (Chinese, economics, geography, statistics); Amy Logie (chemistry, geography, physics, statistics); Briar Philip (accounting, English, history, statistics); Ellen Richardson (biology, chemistry, French, geography,statistics); Claudia Sim (calculus, chemistry, geography, physics, 1st accounting); Anna Sutton (biology, economics, English, statistics); Kaitlynn Wheeler (biology, English, geography, physical education, good work statistics).
Subject awards: Sophie Graham (1st French, 1st history); Shannon Harrison (good work statistics); Se Yoon Kim (excellence design, excellence Mandarin); Jodie Llewellyn (1st biology, 1st equal classical studies, most outstanding research project in history from year 11-13 pupil, creativity in the humanities, excellence essay writing); Elisa Maierl (good work English); Amelia McGeorge (1st equal photography); Alice Toomer (1st painting, outstanding achievement visual arts); Genevieve Ward (1st equal photography); Emily Williams (1st chemistry, 1st English, excellence arts, sciences at senior level).
Year 12
Outstanding achievement: Jingyi Mi (English, chemistry, physics, 1st biology, 1st economics, 1st mathematics, statistics); Annabelle Ritchie (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, 1st equal digital technology, 1st physics, excellence the sciences, mathematics); Zoe Sinclair (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st French).
Excellence: Selena Ballantyne (English, biology, French, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st chemistry); Chloe Lai (biology, chemistry, French, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st English); Lily Van Buskirk (English, design, mathematics, statistics, painting, 1st equal digital technology); Ophelia Yeung (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st Chinese).
Merit: Kara Bethune (English, biology, chemistry, Chinese, mathematics, statistics, physics); Kate Campbell (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st geography); Fiona Cannon (English, biology, chemistry, French, history, mathematics, statistics); Heidi Chin (English, Chinese, digital technology, mathematics, statistics, 1st design); Alice Jones (English, biology, chemistry, French, mathematics, statistics, 1st painting); Caroline Moratti (English, economics, history, mathematics, statistics, 1st classical studies); Chanisara Nualyong (English, accounting, classical studies, economics, history, mathematics, statistics); Lydia Shirley (English, biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, statistics, physics); Olivia Sycamore (English, economics, geography, mathematics, statistics, physical education, 1st history); Emily Thomas (English, biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, statistics, 1st accounting); Josephine Williamson (digital technology, economics, mathematics, statistics, physics, good work English).
Diligence: Margot Brown (English, design, digital technology, mathematics, statistics, physical education); Lily Cunningham (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physical education, physics); Kenzie Findlay (English, chemistry, economics, physical education); Sara Griffin (English, accounting, design, economics); Camelia Harrison (English, biology, chemistry, French, mathematics, statistics, physics); Courtney Shaw (English, biology, chemistry, physical education); Baeli Spedding-Devereux (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics); Phoebe Swale (English, digital technology, photography, physical education); Aekkawan Tippayaratprontawee (English, accounting, chemistry, economics); Yinuo Wang (English, mathematics, statistics, painting, photography, 1st year 13 Chinese).
Subject awards: Alex Carroll (good work English); Jenna Chisholm (good work mathematics, statistics); Briar Crosbie (good work mathematics, statistics); Ella Harris (1st physical education); Ania Kowalewski (1st German); Caitlyn McMillan (1st drama); Sonalia Singh (good work English); Emily Ward (1st photography); Ruby Whitaker (good work mathematics, statistics).
Year 11
Outstanding achievement: Bethan Dunstone-Leitch (English, French, German, mathematics, statistics, music, science); Ellena Khoo (chemistry, mathematics, statistics, music, physics, 1st equal English, 1st French); Mia Nevill (English, economics, mathematics, statistics, science, 1st geography, 1st music); Semolina Schillberg (English, chemistry, history, 1st German, 1st physics); Katerina Thompson (chemistry, German, mathematics, statistics, physics, good work English, 1st history); Ellen Waite (French, history, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st equal English, 1st digital technology).
Excellence: Ruby Edwards (English, art, French, history, mathematics, statistics, science); Megan Guest (English, chemistry, economics, French, mathematics, statistics, physics); Ella Porter (English, chemistry, economics, history, mathematics, statistics, 1st science); Claire Yang (English, chemistry, digital technology, mathematics, statistics, physics, 1st economics).
Merit: Brittany Bancroft (English, art, digital technology, German, mathematics, statistics, physics); Kimberley Barker (art, French, history, mathematics, statistics, science, good work English); Isabelle Beconsall-Ryan (English, chemistry, French, German, mathematics, statistics, physics); Anuki Edirimuni (English, art, French, history, mathematics, statistics, good work science); Renee Grant (English, chemistry, digital technology, history, physics,, 1st mathematics, statistics); Clara Kwon (English, chemistry, digital technology, mathematics, statistics, physics); Bianca Malcolm (English, digital technology, economics, German, mathematics, statistics, science); Zoe Murrell (English, French, history, mathematics, statistics, science, 1st chemistry); Teigan Tarapi (English, art, chemistry, digital technology, mathematics, statistics, physics).
Diligence: Corrie Anderson (English, art, chemistry, geography, mathematics, statistics, physics); Gracie Lamphee (English, economics, geography, German, mathematics, statistics, science); Lucy Beres (English, economics, French, mathematics, statistics, science); Georgina Couper (English, digital technology, history, mathematics, statistics, science); Paige Stowell (English, French, geography, mathematics, statistics, science); Aekkarin Tippayaratprontawee (Chinese, economics, science, good work English, good work mathematics, statistics).
Subject awards: Margo Fowler (good work mathematics, statistics, good work science); Yuka Hanato (1st visual art); Isabella Lau (1st Chinese); Genevieve Walker-Radich (good work mathematics, statistics); Isabella Wood (good work English); Shiqi Zhao (most improved senior ESOL student).
Year 10
General excellence: Kate Truman (global perspectives, 1st English, 1st mathematics, statistics, 1st science, 1st German, 1st economics, 1st digital technology (robotics)).
Excellence: Lydia Christensen (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, French, German, music); Erin Dailey (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, art, French, 1st digital technology (movie)); Lydia Joseph (English, mathematics, statistics, science, Chinese, digital technology, French, 1st global perspectives); Sasha Meyer (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, 1st art).
Merit: Molly Crighton (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, art, German, music, excellence creative writing); Regan Death (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, Chinese, economics); Ghazal Dousti (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, economics, German); Isabelle Keeling (mathematics, statistics, science, art, digital technology, German); Hannah Rogers (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, digital technology, economics, German); Bridget Scott (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, digital technology, economics); Thirza Smith (English, science, global perspectives, digital technology, economics, French).
Diligence: Maya Berg (English, mathematics, statistics, global perspectives, physical education, digital technology); Ximena Botafogo (mathematics, statistics, global perspectives, physical education, economics, French, good work English); Ellie Duncan (English, global perspectives, physical education, digital technology, economics, French); Lily Newton (English, mathematics, statistics, art, digital technology, good work science); Jaime Preston (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, physical education, French); Lilli Renner (English, global perspectives, physical education, Chinese, French); Charlotte Smith (English, mathematics, statistics, global perspectives, physical education, Chinese, economics); Amy Waldburger (English, mathematics, statistics, science, global perspectives, physical education, art, economics, French).
Subject awards: Claudia Gallagher (1st music); Charlotte Greenaway (good work English); Rui Huang (1st Chinese, good work mathematics, statistics); Lucy Liebergreen (1st French); Anna McLachlan (good work social studies); Bethany Moody (good work global perspectives); Milly Nesbit (good work mathematics, statistics, good work science); Lily Newton (good work science); Hannah Prout (excellence junior art); Heather Robertson (enthusiasm, commitment to junior science).
Enterprise team of year: Sophie Cooper, Bridget Scott.
Market day: Erin Chittock, Milly Nesbit, Hannah Prout, Amy Waldburger.
Year 9
General excellence: Sophie O'Neill (mathematics, statistics, science, 1st English, 1st social studies, 1st art, 1st French, 1st equal German).
Excellence: Sennah Lee (English, social studies, art, economics, 1st mathematics, statistics); Madeline McCane (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, music); Liv Preston (English, social studies, art, economics, good work mathematics, statistics, 1st science).
Merit: Samantha Couper (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, art, economics, French); Hannah Cross (English, mathematics, statistics, science, economics); Amber Cunningham (mathematics, statistics, social studies, art, economics); Georgia Francis (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, economics); Zara Galliven (social studies, art, Chinese, economics); Joelle Gatenby (English, art, economics, 1st Chinese, good work social studies); Sophie Gaudin (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, economics, French ); Saffron Lai (English, mathematics, statistics, social studies, French, good work science); Galina Mandich (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, Chinese, French); Meg Sycamore (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, French, 1st equal economics); Victoria Williamson (English, mathematics, statistics, science, 1st equal economics, 1st equal German, 1st music). Diligence: Damaris Dumitrean (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, physical education, economics, French, music); Isabella Geytenbeek (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, physical education); Abby Griffin (English, mathematics, statistics, physical education, economics, good work science); Khaleeda Jaafar Amsak (mathematics, statistics, science, physical education, French, music); Ying Sun (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, physical education, economics, German, music, most improved junior ESOL student); Abigail Taylor (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, physical education); Annia Tompkins (English, mathematics, statistics, science, social studies, physical education, French, German); Ashlee Turner (English, mathematics, statistics, science, physical education, art, economics); Madison Williams (English, mathematics, statistics, science, physical education, economics).
Subject awards: Holly Bancroft (good work science); Lucy Duncan (good work mathematics, statistics); Cheyenne Flockton (good work mathematics, statistics); Laura Hamilton (good work English); Nikita Horne (good work social studies); Lucy Sansom (good work social studies); Caitlyn Trotman (good work English); Charlotte Wheeler (good work English).
Cultural awards
Debating, drama, speech, music: Emily Williams (debating); Selena Ballantyne (excellence debating); Sophie O'Neill (excellence junior drama); Eleanor O'Neill (drama); Caitlyn McMillan (consistent contribution to school drama); Clara Kwon, Lily Rodger (speech, drama); Se Yoon Kim (excellence speech, communication by a student in the international department); Molly Crighton, Claudia Gallagher (merit in pianoforte in years 9, 10 (co-recipients)); Josephine Williamson (service to the wind symphonia); Ellen Richardson (service to the school orchestra); Polo Nguyen (talent, enthusiasm at the piano); Mia Nevill (composition); Jingyi Mi (musicianship, use of musical talents for the school); Serena Waterworth (excellence senior drama, service madrigal choir).
Performing arts: Serena Waterworth, Sophie Graham (excellence, co-recipients).
The arts: Lydia Christensen (runner-up junior arts achiever of year); Molly Crighton (junior arts achiever of year); Sophie Graham (runner-up senior arts achiever of year); Serena Waterworth, Emily Williams (senior arts achiever of year, co-recipients).
Board of trustees: Jodie Llewellyn (service).
Peer support: Katie Willis (contribution year 9).
Boarding house: Molly Wilkins (year 9 boarder who has shown adaptability, motivation); Bridget Scott (general helpfulness by year 10 boarder); Emily Thomas (Southland boarder who has displayed citizenship, helpfulness, organisational skills, positive, hard-working attitude towards study).
Junior school: Ellen Richardson (service to junior school by senior pupil).
Library: Durga Selvarajah (head librarian); Eleanor O'Neill (deputy head librarian).
School canteen: Bethany Moody (service).
School council: Analise Cowie (service).
Community service awards:
Step 2: Damaris Dumitrean, Ruth Huang, Isobel Fraser (2014), Lara Seaton.
Step 1: Olivia Adam, Shana Au, Ketaki Bagal, Gabrielle Bird, Charlotte Calder, Ella Calder, Celia Cannon, Piper Charteris, Heidi Chin, Grace Finnerty, Isobel Fraser, Sophie Gaudin, Elizabeth Graham, Megan Guest, Abbey Hamilton, Yuka Hanato, Miu Iida, Amy Logie, Misaki Matsumoto, Amelia McGeorge, Lauren McNeill, Chanisara Nualyong, Lily Rodger, Ella Scott, Claudia Sim, Zoe Sinclair, Thananya Sirirak, Aekkarin Tippayayatprontawee, Aekkawan Tippayayatprontawee, Grace Togneri, Shuyu (Kristin) Wan, Mary-Jane Wennekes, Kaitlynn Wheeler, Hannah White, Ella Wood, Ophelia Yeung, Alice Young, Shiqi (Katie) Zhao.
Chapel: Katherine Woodfield (chapel prefect); Sarah Wishart (deputy chapel prefect).
Sports awards
Maddy Spence (senior athletics, overall excellence track athletics); Lily Cunningham (100m senior); Kaitlynn Wheeler (best all-round field athlete); Kelly Hoyt (most promising junior badminton player); Ella Wood (most improved senior basketballer); Jordyn Taylor (most valuable basketballer); Meg Sycamore (years 9, 10 cross-country); Indiana Williams (senior cross-country); Thirza Smith (most promising cyclist); Bailey Saville (excellence, dedication to cycling); Gabrielle Perry (contribution to equestrian team); Emma Stackhouse (progress hockey); Ellie Duncan (hockey); Lydia Shirley (achiever's award hockey); Rose Johnston (overall achievement cricket, dedication hockey); Tyla Toheriri-O'Neill (most talented senior hockey); Milly Nesbit (most promising junior basketballer years 9, 10, most talented netballer years 9, 10); Ryelee Breen, Emma Turner (most improved senior netballers, co-recipients); Analise Cowie (service netball); Clora Quinlan-Thompson (most improved junior rower); Shannon Harrison (rowing); Jodie Llewellyn (fastest Columba time in the Otago/Southland secondary schools' downhill ski championships); Charlotte Hall (most improved soccer player); Ruby Coers (excellence soccer); Caitlin Deans, Devon Familton (dedication to swimming, co-recipients), senior swimming champion, co-recipients); Laura Hamilton (junior tennis singles); Laura Hamilton, Sennah Lee (junior tennis doubles); Amy Logie (service badminton); Rileigh Fields, Amy Logie (senior tennis doubles); Claudia Carruthers (excellence touch rugby); Tarryn Dickson (contribution senior volleyball); Maia Aoake (most promising junior water polo player); Claudia La Hood (most valuable water polo player); Grace Brosnahan (dedication coaching junior sport); Georgia Hamilton (excellence non-school sport or cultural activity (water skiing)); Margot Darling (most improved senior rower, service coaching sport); Maia Joseph (most improved junior hockey player); Chenoa Metua (runner-up to best all-round junior sportswoman); Ellie Duncan, Milly Nesbit (best all-round junior sportswoman, co-recipients); Rileigh Fields (runner-up to best all-round senior sportswoman, senior tennis singles, badminton); Kate Guildford (best all-round senior sportswoman, integrity in sport, most committed player 1st XI soccer); Caitlin Deans (highest sporting achievement, most improved water polo player).