Young birds on the mend

Two young kakapo have been nursed back to health and are nearly ready to be released back on to Fiordland’s predator-free Anchor Island.

Dunedin Wildlife Hospital Trust manager Jordana Whyte said the birds were part of the Department of Conservation kakapo recovery programme.

A disease affecting their respiratory systems had necessitated the long-term stay in hospital, but the birds were "on the mend".

"We think maybe within the next week or two, they should be able to head back out to their islands."


The birds were the last of six chicks that stayed long-term at the hospital this breeding season, and of nearly 30 kakapo that had come through the hospital altogether, she said.

The results had been "fantastic".

"We’re really, really happy with how the breeding season went in terms of the help we were able to provide." 



