Woman four times over limit after boozy work function

A woman drove home from her work function more than four times over the legal alcohol limit in Dunedin, police said.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said police responded to complaints from other drivers about a car swerving on Three Mile Hill Rd at bout 10.15pm on Saturday.

When police went to the address where the licence plate was registered officers found a 45-year-old woman who recorded a breath alcohol level of 1117mcg.

She had been at a work function at a restaurant and was charged with drink driving and careless driving.

Snr Sgt Bond said drink driving peaked near the end of the week when people were going into the weekend and having work drinks.

‘‘It’s disappointing that people are still continuing to drink and drive and not get a taxi or a sober driver home.’’

At 2.30am that morning a 22-year-old man recorded a breath alcohol level that was also more than four times the legal limit (250mcg) of 1124mcg in Hillside Rd.

He was charged with drink driving and had his licence suspended for 28 days.

There were another eight other drivers who had drunk before getting behind the wheel throughout the weekend.

Between 5pm and 5.45pm three drivers recorded a breath alcohol level over the legal limit and two were summonsed to appear in court because their level was over 400mcg.

Another drink driver stopped short of the checkpoint in Kensington and attempted to flee on foot before police caught him and he recorded a breath alcohol level of 677mcg.

He was summonsed to appear in court for drink driving and his licence was suspended for 28 days.


