Special lunch to celebrate getting through lockdown

All 32 residents and 10 staff from the Glendale Retirement Home celebrated the end of the Covid-19 lockdown with a ‘‘we made it’’ lunch at a South Dunedin restaurant yesterday.

Glendale diversional therapist Gaylene Dunn was delighted that this‘‘escape’’ after the lockdown, and from the usual routines, was finally happening.

All participants, including staff, were excited about the gathering, which coincided with the upgrading yesterday of some kitchen equipment at the Bradford, Dunedin home.

Residents and staff travelled in about 10 vehicles, including a mobility support van, and one idea — jokingly suggested, but not acted on—was that they move in a convoy at about 10kmh, she said.

Home resident Marion Barnett (85) said the lunch with staff at the Rope and Twine restaurant was ‘‘great’’.

Glendale Retirement Home resident Marion Barnett (85) enjoys an outing at a South Dunedin restaurant yesterday. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
Glendale Retirement Home resident Marion Barnett (85) enjoys an outing at a South Dunedin restaurant yesterday. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH

Overall, Mrs Barnett had enjoyed the lockdown, and the many activities undertaken inside the home when the usual trips outside were impossible.
‘‘I feel very happy about it,’’ she added.

Glendale cook of nine years Catherine Swann was delighted to be able to join residents away from the property for a meal she did not have to cook.

‘‘I’ve never been out with everyone before,’’ Mrs Swann said.

Mrs Dunn said the lunch was ‘‘really good’’.

In the absence of the usual visiting entertainers, residents had suggested many creative ideas during lockdown.

‘‘We were just busy doing things — it was just great.’’

One of the best games was an old but popular dots and boxes game, which some of the home’s oldest residents, including 80 the 90 year olds, revelled in playing, using chalk (later removed) on the dark carpet.

‘‘We’re much stronger than we thought we were,’’ she said.


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