That figure comes in at $4 million above the $34 million Dunedin Venues Management Ltd (DVML) chief executive Terry Davies forecast before the concert.
Mr Davies said: "We thought we were being slightly optimistic with our estimations but I am more than happy with this result which is outstanding for the city.
"Almost the population of Dunedin attending the three concerts really put us to the test but I'm proud to say our team performed admirably.
"The high satisfaction results for such large numbers are extremely pleasing.''
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull said the weekend was one of the biggest in Dunedin's history.
"The economic impact of hosting the concerts is obviously tremendous for the local economy and Dunedin is fortunate to have a world-class facility such as Forsyth Barr Stadium, which is the envy of much larger cities.
"Perhaps what isn't so easy to measure, however, is the social impact _ the huge amount of community pride and spirit _ these types of events help to generate.
"It was wonderful to see families and people of all ages, both residents and visitors, getting involved in a variety of events over the weekend and having such a great time in our wonderful city.''
Enterprise Dunedin Director John Christie said the outcome of the survey not only reaffirmed the significant contribution events such as the Ed Sheeran concerts made to the local economy, but also the role they played in positioning Dunedin as a compelling destination.
"Concert-goers who had an enjoyable time in the city are much more likely to return for future events or holidays based on their experience.''
The combined survey results of the three concerts are as follows:
- A survey was conducted of 11,143 people.
- There were 108,274 seats sold for the concert and 67% of tickets were sold to people living outside of Dunedin's boundaries.
- The remaining 33% were purchased by Dunedin residents.
- For attendees from outside of Dunedin, the largest group (48%) was from the Canterbury region, while a significant proportion (35%) came from the wider Otago/Southland regions.
- The survey showed 25% of respondents were under 30 years old and the majority were aged from, 30 to 49 (52%).
- 96% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the event
- 95% satisfied with information prior to the event
- 94% satisfied with the wayfinding signage
- 93% satisfied with access to the Stadium
- 92% would be likely to return to Forsyth Barr Stadium to attend a major event
- 89% satisfied with the cleanliness of the venue
- 88% satisfied with the friendliness of venue staff
- The direct expenditure by all visiting spectators is estimated at $37.9 million
- These visitors stayed an average of 1.8 nights
- Average expenditure of all those visitors who responded to the survey was $542 per person
- The concert generated the equivalent of 284 job-years of work
- $24 million of Added Value (GDP)
- $10.9 million of Earned Household Income
Yes, it's a success story, but is it yours? $38 million is a lot of money. I wonder how many wallets that's shared about? Did your income go up? Neither did mine. Did your expenses decrease? Mine didn't either. Did you get a discounted ticket for being a rate payer? Me neither.
Be careful when our council uses these success stories to justify spending. A handful of businesses made money out of Ed Sheeran. Perhaps the council could convince that handful to buy social bonds to fund the next $21 million project (bridge), instead of trying to convince ratepayers we'll ALL enjoy a "return" on our 8% rate rise.
Socialise the cost, privatise the benefit. That's what's really going on here. Unless you believe in trickle down economics? If so, how did that work out for you this time? Me neither...