Quirky look at comic's job

Tarun Mohanbhai
Tarun Mohanbhai
Tarun Mohanbhai (Auckland) - "Punch Lines Not Included"

Q: What's your act all about?

A: "Punch Lines Not Included" is a play/stand-up show about a delusional comic who thinks he is funny. He tries his hand at the genres available but, more so than not, fails to pull off the highs a comic often expects."

Q: Why will Dunedin audiences enjoy it?

A: "This is a quirky show that shows some insight into the life of a comic not too long after they come off the stage. The stuff most audience members don't get to see."

Q: What do you know about Dunedin?

A: "They have a fine dentistry school that invented the mouth drill that everyone hates, Hudson's biscuit factory started there where Cadbury now stands and they have the walk of shame for unfortunate students who decide to get their rocks off the previous night."

Q: What makes you laugh?

A: "People I know hurting themselves. And random people hurting themselves, so long as no bones are broken."

• Tarun Mohanbhai performs at XII Below tonight, tomorrow and Sunday.

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