With her sheep is Little Bo Peep, also known as Otago Girls' High School principal Linda Miller, during the school's 75th Library Day and mufti day yesterday.
Pupils dressed as their favourite book or movie character to raise funds to buy new books for the school library, and to make a donation to Literacy Aotearoa. Library Day, a longstanding tradition at the school, was started in 1938 as a means of building up the school's library.
The principal at the time suggested each class should contribute one book to it, making the library richer by 20 books each year.
Library manager Jane Smallfield said the generosity of the girls, along with departments and associated groups, resulted in more than 250 books and DVDs being donated to the library this year.
As part of the celebration, award-winning Dunedin writer Rachel Stedman was guest speaker at the school's assembly yesterday.