A love poem for someone in my future

I don't know you yet

But I think I will love you.

Maybe not in the conventional sense

Of kissing in the misty winter downpour

Or nibbling undetermined parts of your body

While enveloped in the shadows of dim

Orange light.

In fact

Our love, our connection may only be one of poetry

We share words

Skyscrapers of words

Scrape the clouds with our words

Our languid language freely flowing

Our words our love ...

May be one of painting, drawing;

Brush and tender to the paper

To the scrape of the pen

The pencil drawn the lines

To the ink to the coal

To the canvas of our hearts.

Forever I will love you.

Of course we haven't met yet

But time is a flexible ribbon

Moving ribbon

Twist and turn and quiver

And convulse the bodies move

The spinning energy seizure

Twitch stiffen fallen flesh

Then I will meet you.

Today someone will fall in love.

Today is not my day.

But that's OK because somewhere in the future

In my poetry my art

My writhing ribbon of time

You exist and from that point

The canvas of the brush the pen

Caress the paper the words

The tower of words we will share it.

We will share art.

We will love.


• By Sabrina Swerdloff, Year 9, Otago Girls' High School

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