Pink pay traded for satay

Busker Deina Susilo-Knox, who got $20 from Pink while busking at the Otago Farmers Market on...
Busker Deina Susilo-Knox, who got $20 from Pink while busking at the Otago Farmers Market on Saturday. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Friends told Deina Susilo-Knox she should keep the $20 she received while busking on Saturday; perhaps even frame it.

But the money the Dunedin musician earned from pop star Pink while busking at the Otago Farmers Market on Saturday had a more prosaic end.

``I bought a satay,'' the 23-year-old second year University of Otago College of Education student said.

Ms Susilo-Knox was busking at the market on the day of Pink's concert at the Forsyth Barr Stadium when she caught the attention of the singer's 1-year-old son, Jameson

Pink stayed to watch, and afterwards gave her daughter Willow $20 to put in the busker's guitar case.

Ms Susilo-Knox said yesterday she first noticed Jameson ``having a wee boogie'' while she played.

Her mother Kath Knox, who came to watch her play, realised Pink was in the audience, too.

There was even a short interaction.

Pink (crouching, with cup) and children Willow (7) and Jameson (1) watch Dunedin busker Deina...
Pink (crouching, with cup) and children Willow (7) and Jameson (1) watch Dunedin busker Deina Susilo-Knox on Saturday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
``I had half a bagel left in my guitar case, and Pink warned me that her son might steal my breakfast as he went past it.''

Ms Susilo-Knox said while people stopped to look, nobody bothered the pop star.

``Everybody was super chilled.''

She was pleased Pink was able to walk about unbothered by fans.

``It could have been any Dunedin family,'' she said.

Plenty of friends had sent her an online news article about the moment she played for the woman she was a fan of when she was younger.

``It was such a cool experience just to see her in real life.''

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