Pigeon pinched twice by drunk teens: police

Three drunk teenage boys leapt a fence and kicked down the door to a coop to steal a pigeon twice from a Dunedin home, police say. 

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said officers were called to a home in Waldronville at 1.55am on Saturday, after a neighbour reported youths had been climbing over a fence "to steal a pigeon that was kept in a cage there."

The bird was returned, but a short time later the youths jumped over the fence again and kicked in the door to the coop, taking the bird a second time,  he said. 

Officers went to a neighbouring house where they spoke to three boys aged between 15 and 16.

The trio were intoxicated and pretending to be asleep in the garage, so were roused, Snr Sgt Bond said. 

"When they pulled back a blanket, (officers) discovered a pigeon tucked under the arms of one of the 15-year-olds."

A parent at the address was woken up and advised of the boys’ actions, and two were taken home to their parents.

"I don’t think they were impressed with the boys’ behaviours and didn’t know what they were up to, Snr Sgt Bond said.

"One mother didn’t know they were drinking alcohol either."

Youth Aid would follow up on the "pigeon theft" and reparation would be sought for damage to the coop. 

The bird was unharmed, Snr Sgt Bond said.


