NZDF buildings quake prone

The Kensington Army Hall in Bridgman St, Dunedin, is due for demolition. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The Kensington Army Hall in Bridgman St, Dunedin, is due for demolition. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The New Zealand Defence Force is working towards having a "combined regional facility" in Dunedin, as two of its key buildings in the city have been classed as earthquake prone.

A New Zealand Defence Force spokesman said it had agreed with notices it had received from the Dunedin City Council saying that the Kensington Army Hall in Bridgman St and the Naval Reserves building, HMNZS Toroa, in St Andrew St, were earthquake prone.

"As with many old buildings, some parts are stronger than others. There are plans in place to manage these risks," the spokesman said.

While no decisions had been made, the Defence Force was working towards having a combined regional facility in Dunedin.

The preferred option had yet to be confirmed and further details could not be provided due to commercial sensitivities, the spokesman said.

The Defence Force refused to comment on rumours its preferred option was to move both the naval reserves and the army barracks into the same premises at the old Farmlands building at 84 Cumberland St.

Stephen Higgs, a director of Cumberland Property Group Ltd, which owns the premises, declined to comment, citing landlord tenant confidentiality

A Dunedin City Council spokesman said no recent planning applications had been filed at any of the three properties.

