About 46,000 bus timetables will be delivered to homes in Dunedin from tomorrow and nearly 3000 will go to rural delivery addresses and coastal homes as far north as Palmerston, Otago Regional Council director policy and resource planning Fraser McRae said.
Bike racks for two cycles had been fitted to buses on the Lookout Point, Opoho, Pine Hill, Shiel Hill, and Concord-University weekday daytime routes.
Ritchies Transport had taken over weekday services on the Lookout Point, Opoho, Pine Hill and Shiel Hill routes and the Concord-Kaikorai Valley-University service had Mosgiel Coach Services as its new operator.
That service had also been extended, and now travelled via Emerson and Mulford Sts, and Stevenson Rd to the terminus outside the Concord bottle store. Two stops in Mulford St had been added to the service.
The 6.30am inward weekday service from Opoho and its continuation to Shiel Hill at 6.45am, and the 6.30am inward weekday Concord-Kaikorai Valley-University service had been cancelled due to a lack of patronage, he said.
New on-street timetables had been installed on nine stops on the Pine Hill inwards route and about 20 new timetables were being developed for the Concord-Kaikorai Valley-University service.
New look on-street timetables would also be installed in the main inner city stands within the next week.