The Otago Regional Council will not follow in the footsteps of the Wellington Regional Council and Auckland Transport, which have both dropped cash sales on public transport.
ORC transport manager Garry Maloney said the region’s buses used an older ticketing system than that used in Wellington and Auckland. Bus drivers had to handle cash when adding credit to GoCards.
‘‘The current system does not have a facility for online top-ups,’’ he said.
‘‘The option to cease accepting cash on buses had been raised in Otago, and we are working with our bus contractors on how they manage any risks associated with handling cash.’’
Bus users were encouraged to use their GoCards where possible.
Bus operators had implemented a range of measures to protect passengers and drivers.
‘‘They have ramped up hygiene and cleaning measures, and buses are being disinfected daily and between peak services wherever possible.
‘‘Hand sanitiser and other protective equipment is being made available to drivers, and the air conditioning units are being treated with disinfectant.’’