Jetpack inventor to takeoff in Dunedin

Former Dunedin man Glenn Martin, inventor of the world's first 
Former Dunedin man Glenn Martin, inventor of the world's first practical jetpack, will reveal the secrets behind his invention in Dunedin tomorrow. Supplied photo.
For $US100,000, you too could own a Martin Jetpack to fly yourself to work.

But not until later this year.

In the meantime, you will have to make do with a presentation by its inventor, Glenn Martin, formerly of Dunedin.

Mr Martin is returning to the city tomorrow to give a free public presentation about the world's first practical jetpack and how it came to be after years of secret tinkering in his garage.

Mr Martin said the idea for his invention floated into his head while studying at the University of Otago.

He and his friends fantasised about flying home to their flat after long nights at the local pub.

While his flatmates let the thought pass, Mr Martin began researching the potential for personal aviation devices.

In 1998, after years of refining and redesigning his secret invention, he founded a company with the specific goal of researching and developing a jetpack that could fly 100 times longer than the Bell Rocket Belt, which could fly for 26 seconds.

By 2005, the goal was achieved with Prototype 9, laying the foundations for a viable preproduction prototype.

The Martin Jetpack was unveiled in July 2008 at the Experimental Aircraft Association's AirVenture in Wisconsin.

Earlier this year, the Martin Aircraft Company signed a $12 million joint venture deal with an international aircraft company, to build Martin Jetpacks with the aim of making 500 units generating annual turnover of $100 million within three years.

Mr Martin hoped the jetpacks would be sold to emergency response organisations, such as police and military, providing a means of getting aid and relief into disaster-hit areas.

Civilians with healthy bank accounts will be able to order a Martin Jetpack later this year.

Mr Martin's presentation, hosted by the Otago Branch of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, is part of the annual national series of Pickering Lectures.

The lecture will be held in Archway 1 Lecture Theatre at 6.30pm tomorrow.

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