Jailhouse lawyer may move up to Auckland

Arthur Taylor.
Arthur Taylor.
Jailhouse lawyer Arthur Taylor says he loves living in Dunedin, but his desire to formally study law might mean he applies to move to Auckland.

The Otago Daily Times yesterday reported the University of Otago law school was willing to consider Mr Taylor's request to study there, but told him they felt he needed time to readjust to society following his release on parole after a long prison sentence.

''I was very disappointed because I wanted to get straight into it in February and I've had to make other plans ... I don't suppose they have too many students who have won cases in the Supreme Court of such significance such as myself,'' Mr Taylor said yesterday.

''Auckland have actually offered me immediate enrolment so I may have to go up there, which I wouldn't be happy about. I love Dunedin, I love the people, and I would love to stay there.''

Any shift to Auckland would require a change of the terms of Mr Taylor's probation, but he did not feel that would prove a barrier if he did move.

While behind bars Mr Taylor built up a substantial trial record representing himself in a range of cases against government departments and officers. Many of his cases are core reading in law courses.

If he had studied at Otago Mr Taylor said he would have taken a paper in constitutional and electoral law, and was also considering administrative law and Maori land law.

''In the meantime I'm doing some independent legal research which is keeping me pretty much occupied,'' he said.

''I am also continuing several cases I have against the Department of Corrections, which are before the court at the moment and are proving to be quite time-consuming.''


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