The trust, commonly known as Duffy Books in Homes, delivers books to more than 100,000 children each year and the 27 pupils at Te Kura Kaupapa each received one.
Principal Tiahuia Kawe-Small said the pupils loved Duffy Books in Homes.
''They have all the new titles.
''They are really good advocates for reading and it's about having books in the home.''
Ms Kawe-Small wanted to acknowledge the contribution of Community Assessment Rehabilitation Associates (Cara), on behalf of Duffy Books.
The presentation was about acknowledging the sponsors' contribution, she said.
''It's an opportunity for us to feed them.
''We put on a shared kai and invite them to share in the food.''
Cara representative Siobhan McKinley said it was about getting out in the community and supporting people.
''We keep strong links with our Maori and Pacific Island communities.
''It's so nice to see young people so excited about books and reading,'' she said.
Maori Labour MP for Te Tai Tonga Rino Tirikatene was also present.
Duffy Books in Homes was launched in 1994 and has expanded into Australia and the United States.