A Dunedin carer’s attempts to bring conversations about palliative care to a wider audience has been acknowledged at the New Zealand podcasting awards.
Clinicians warned officials about the dangers of scaling down the new Dunedin hospital project just two days before the government announced cutbacks, the Otago Daily Times can reveal.
Sadly, if it were not for World War 2 pilots getting shards of shattered plastic from aeroplane windscreens in their eyes, the world’s most successful and innovative cataract treatment may never...
A senior doctor at Dunedin Hospital is sick of turning up to work not knowing whether operations will be delayed due to human remains being found on equipment.
A person died in the cardiac unit while Dunedin Hospital staff were waiting for life-saving equipment to be repaired, the Otago Daily Times has learned.
A leak in Dunedin’s ageing hospital caused a partial ceiling collapse yesterday and left water streaming into a room where sterile surgery equipment is stored.
Instead of having to travel to Christchurch, Dunedin people will be referred to a mobile PET-CT scanner when it arrives in Dunedin for an extended stay.