Modest cuts to the Dunedin City Council's budget were removed at a meeting yesterday, and the rates increase for the next financial year rose from 10.3% to 10.4%.
And a meeting to confirm decisions at annual plan meetings earlier this month heard only 53% of private sector funding for the Awatea St stadium is expected to be received before 2011, with the remaining funding not due until between that date and 2020.
The stadium stayed in the budget by a 9-5 vote, despite that news.
Two items on the council's books had been targeted for savings, with $20,700 for hanging baskets taken from the budget, and the realignment of Lovelock Ave put back a year, saving $24,400.
Cr Neil Collins said he hoped the funding for hanging baskets could be reconsidered.
Cr Paul Hudson backed him up, and said retailers had helped pay for an automatic watering system for the baskets, and would be disappointed.
The council voted the money back into the budget.
Cr Syd Brown told the committee the decision to put off the Lovelock Ave realignment had been "hasty", when the Friends of the Botanic Garden had put in so much effort.
That project was also put back in.
During stadium debate, Cr Dave Cull said not getting private sector funding until after 2011 had implications for ratepayers.
The council had said it would "not press the go button" on the stadium until 80% to 100% of the money was raised, he said.
"We're not getting anywhere near that."
The council voted to confirm a Dunedin Centre plan, meaning $45.4 million would stay in the budget for the upgrade, putting together a concept plan and costings for a "gut and rebuild" option, and for developing a detailed design for "option 14" (a reduced extension).
The city's rates are due to be confirmed on June 16.