Govt grant ‘massive difference’ for Moana House

Moana House programme director Claire Aitken is thrilled about a new government grant. PHOTO:...
Moana House programme director Claire Aitken is thrilled about a new government grant. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Moana  House became a bit of a one-stop shop during lockdown.

As well as its usual clients, it took on work such as foodbank services to support those in need.

"During Covid our workload was huge, because so many other services were closed."

After those busy few months, news of a $1.036million fillip from the Government has been welcomed by programme director Claire Aitken.

"For us, the money makes a massive difference. Because the money is from the Provincial Growth Fund, it’s money for things that we aren’t funded for, and we really struggle to maintain our buildings and all our upgrades," she said.

Moana House is a residential therapeutic community for adult male offenders who want to change their lives. Many residents may also have a history of alcohol and/or drug abuse.

The funding was part of a $20million package announced at the weekend to target methamphetamine use in the regions.

The Downie Stewart Foundation was given the money to run Moana House’s Te Hautu Project.

The funding is for three years and will support up to 43 people each year in rehabilitation programmes and work and study.

Nine community-based providers —in Northland, Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, Tairawhiti and Otago — will receive funding to scale up their programmes.

Ms Aitken said Moana House was being refurbished, and was nearly ready to open. That was one of the major benefits of the funding.

All the work was being done by Dunedin contractors.

Other things necessary to the trust’s work would also be funded, such as a new vehicle to replace the one they "limped through a warrant".

"There’s a whole range of things. It’s all designed towards supporting people once they’re ready to move on or transition into the community."


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