Firefighters attend wheelie bin fires; student charged

A wheelie bin destroyed by fire in Dunedin's Castle St yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
A wheelie bin destroyed by fire in Dunedin's Castle St yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
A student is due to appear in the Dunedin District Court after two wheelie bin fires Friday.

A Fire Service spokesman said firefighters from Willowbank Station were called at 12.20am to a couch fire in Castle St.

On arrival, firefighters found a Dunedin City Council recycling wheelie bin and its contents ''well ablaze''.

About 30 minutes later, the same crew were called to another wheelie bin fire in Leith St.

Senior Sergeant Brian Benn, of Dunedin, said Campus Watch staff called police to the bin fire in Leith St.

A 19-year-old male student who lived in Castle St was arrested in Howe St and charged with disorderly behaviour and would appear in the Dunedin District Court, he said.

The man was charged in relation to the second bin fire, Snr Sgt Benn said.

Council water and waste group manager Laura McElhone said she was disappointed the young people had behaved in a ''dangerous and irresponsible manner''.

The cost to replace a wheelie bin was about $50 but it cost more if administration time was added, Dr McElhone said.

University proctor Simon Thompson said the university took a strong stand against fire lighting.

''Culprits face the prospect of university disciplinary action in addition to going through the criminal justice system,'' he said.

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