Final phase of Fryatt St wharf work under way

A last phase of work is under way at the edge of the Fryatt St wharf before the removal of...
A last phase of work is under way at the edge of the Fryatt St wharf before the removal of fencing. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Further work being undertaken on land beside the Fryatt St, Dunedin, wharf will pave the way for significant redevelopment.

The end of this phase would lead to "the start of the development of the harbourside", Port Otago chief executive Kevin Winders said yesterday.

As part of the remaining work, contractor Fulton Hogan was chip-sealing a less than a metre-wide section of land immediately beside the public section of the wharf.

The sealing work, expected to be undertaken over the next fortnight, would also safely secure any small amount of residual asbestos dust that might remain after removal of sheds in the area.

Fencing near the sealed area would then be removed, providing better access to most of the wharf, which was available for public use, Mr Winders said.

Port Otago has retained a smaller, fenced-off section at the eastern end of the wharf for port activities, including the mooring of several vessels.

The port company had previously arranged for the asbestos cement roofs of the Fryatt St sheds to be safely removed, and the 350m-long sheds demolished, between late 2018 and early last year, in a 2.4 million project.

The port company also last year gave the university 0.45ha of wharf-side land in the Fryatt St area to celebrate the university’s 150th anniversary, and which would be used to build the university’s planned Sustainable Futures Initiative building.

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