Family rates crew's care top-class

Reunited with the Port Chalmers good volunteer firefighters who came to his aid after he fell through a glass cabinet at his Careys Bay home is Charlie Cully and (from left) qualified firefighter Daniel Napier, Deputy Chief Fire Officer Cory White and Sen
Reunited with the Port Chalmers good volunteer firefighters who came to his aid after he fell through a glass cabinet at his Careys Bay home is Charlie Cully and (from left) qualified firefighter Daniel Napier, Deputy Chief Fire Officer Cory White and Senior Firefighter Hayden Smith. Photo: Christine O'Connor
A Dunedin mother says she will be forever grateful to the Port Chalmers volunteer firefighters who cared for her son after he fell face-first into a glass cabinet.

Charlie Cully (5) was yesterday in high spirits when he was reunited with the crew who came to his aid last Friday afternoon.

His mother, freelance journalist Angela Cuming, said Charlie was jumping on his bed at their Careys Bay home under the supervision of his father, who was trying to get him down.

Charlie then fell face-first into a display cabinet, shattering the glass.

''A parent's worst nightmare,'' Ms Cuming said.

They called 111 as their son bled from his forehead and cheek.

Within minutes, they saw a fire appliance from the Port Chalmers station winding its way towards their home, carrying Deputy Chief Fire Officer Cory White, Senior Firefighter Hayden Smith and qualified firefighters Mark Chaney and Daniel Napier.

''They immediately put mum and dad at ease and then the way they dealt with Charlie ... we'll forever be grateful to them.

''They looked at his cuts straight away, got a smile out of him, were talking to him in a wonderful, loving, friendly manner.''

After finding the cuts were not bad enough to require a trip to hospital and stitches, the firefighters patched him up on the spot, she said.

Charlie was still talking about his visit from the fire brigade, the second in the family's 10 months at their Careys Bay home after one of their twin 3-year-old boys became locked in their car.

Mr White said the crew were grateful to be thanked yesterday, though they did not become volunteer firefighters for the recognition.

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