Dunedin North Labour MP David Clark cut a ribbon outside the Toitu Otago Settlers Museum late this morning, and said the project had been developed to reduce the number of cycle deaths on the one-way system.
''We do need to do better as a country at making walking, cycling, and other environmentally friendly modes of transport safer,'' he told a gathering to mark the occasion.
Dunedin deputy mayor Chris Staynes said having more people on bikes improved the movement of traffic, as it meant less traffic on the road.
The council was working to offset parking loss from the cycle lanes.
The $8 million NZ Transport Agency project that developed cycle lanes through central and north Dunedin began in late 2017.
It was proposed following deaths of cyclists in 2011 and 2012 on the one-way system, and includes concrete barriers to separate cyclists from cars and trucks.
Okay, I expect to see Cr Staynes and the Hon David Clarke regularly commuting by bicycle - unless they have good reasons not to, which I hope they will then share with the public. Unless they think, like many other transport decision makers, that this option is a good idea for other people but not for them.
The suits might be a problem. Okay, if you have access to a shower when you arrive and also have time for a shower and brought a towel and have somewhere to store your clothes. I used to wear shorts on the bike and step into a skirt and change my shoes, often in the street (where else?) to passerbys’ amusement when I arrived but often still arrived hot and sweaty or dripping wet. Wonder if the planners and cycling-for-everyone advocates, who might do the occasional photo opportunity bicycle ride on a nice sunny but not boiling hot day, have thought of any of this.
''We do need to do better as a country at making walking, cycling, and other environmentally friendly modes of transport safer". Good to hear.
Please do not include Lime scooters as environmentally friendly. Juicers emit toxic fumes collecting and depositing them with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.