Dunedin Centre and Town Hall plans released today

The Dunedin City Council's latest plans for the multi-million-dollar upgrade of the Dunedin Centre and Town Hall will be released today.

Council strategy and development general manager Kate Styles said images of the proposed upgrade, including computer graphics giving a birds' eye view of the plan, a detailed depiction of the Moray Pl frontage, and landscaping proposals for Harrop St, would be presented.

Last October, councillors voted to defer the controversial Harrop St atrium planned as part of the redevelopment, after years of vociferous opposition.

The Dunedin Centre subcommittee, comprising Mayor Peter Chin and five city councillors, instead backed an alternative option without the atrium as the preferred vision for the $45.4 million project.

A peer review of earlier proposals last year by Dr Diane Brand, of the Auckland University school of architecture and urban design, suggested the land between the town hall and St Paul's Cathedral be turned into a public space.

Mrs Styles said the plan was "the design we're asking the council to approve", so a contract for the work could be signed before Christmas.


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