Dunedin beach-goers are being warned to keep their distance from newborn sea lion pups amid expectations of a higher number of births this season.
Department of Conservation coastal Otago services manager David Agnew said Doc had discovered two newborn sea lion pups in the Dunedin area during the past week, which was a slightly earlier start to the season than usual.
He encouraged people to be alert when on beaches, to keep their distance if they came across the pups, and if they had dogs to put them on a lead in the vicinity of the pups.
''The sea lion pups are fairly small and especially for the first month or so they are pretty vulnerable. So a dog would be able to kill one,'' he said.
They were particularly vulnerable after their mothers began leaving them alone to feed, which happened after they were a week old.
If people had any concerns they should ring the Doc hotline on 0800-362-468.
It had been an encouraging start to the birthing season, with the pair found so far born to first-time mothers.
It was difficult to tell how many would be born in the area over the coming weeks, but it would likely be a couple more than the four found last year.
Mr Agnew did not wish to reveal the beaches where the young pups were.