Mr Horne, of Mosgiel, confirmed last week the Gordon Rd home's closure, after telling residents' families.
More than 20 staff will lose their jobs.
The closure date, yet to be confirmed, could be about the end of October.
Occupancy was down because older people were encouraged to stay in their homes for longer before entering care.
Mr Horne supported that trend, but it had had an adverse effect on the home.
At present, the home had 18 residents, with space for 27.
''Compliance costs are huge. And the other problem we have is that homes are purpose built nowadays for residents in that situation, as our home hasn't been.''
Mr Horne was saddened by the job losses and the upheaval for residents. He appreciated the efforts of staff, some of whom were long-serving.
Not all of the staff were full-time. Residents' families had been understanding about the situation.
The Southern District Health Board bore responsibility for rehoming the residents, but the home still felt responsible, Mr Horne said.
The rest-home was established in 1959. The board is yet to decide what to do with the building.