Commitment to hold id Dunedin Fashion Week

Dunedin will host another id Dunedin Fashion Week in March next year.

The decision was made at the organisation's annual meeting at the Dunedin Centre last night.

Following the meeting, committee chairwoman Susie Staley said id Fashion Week would be held from March 8-13 and would include the id Emerging Designers Show on March 11 and the id Fashion Show on March 12 and 13.

In recent years, finding major sponsors for the event had been difficult and Ms Staley said funding would still be an issue for next year's event.

However, the show was well placed to go ahead based on interest already shown by designers and international media.

"We are well placed to go ahead in terms of planning and where we've come from.

"The last show sold out in three hours," she said.

"We are hopeful we can find good sponsors, and there are a number of funding streams that we are looking at. We are committed to this."

The opening of ticket sales would be announced at a later date, she said.

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