Centre recycling exemplar

A crane lifts two former shipping containers, which will form the basis of Orokonui Ecosanctuary...
A crane lifts two former shipping containers, which will form the basis of Orokonui Ecosanctuary's new visitor centre, into place. Photo by Craig Baxter.
Orokonui Ecosanctuary's hopes of achieving an environmental Green Star 5 rating became visible this week, as the two former shipping containers, which will form the basis of its new visitor centre, were lifted in to place.

The $1.9 million visitor centre sits outside the predator-proof fence and will provide opportunities for further education about the sanctuary's inhabitants.

General manager Chris Baillie said now the containers were in place, the foundations would be laid, steel erected and the environmentally-friendly glass windows put in place.

"It's very exciting, as it has been a long time in the planning."

The aim was for the centre to be finished in July and opened to the public in September, she said.


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