There was talk of having to move to the First Church of Otago as about 300 people packed Burns Hall to hear two anti-Trans Pacific Partnership agreement "experts'' last night.
It was the final in a series of four public anti-TPP meetings around the country, held in a bid to stop the free-trade agreement being signed by ministers from around the Pacific, including New Zealand, on February 4.
Dunedin meeting organiser Jen Olsen addressed the crowd, saying it was an "amazing'' turnout.
"What an amazing crowd of people out on a Friday night to hear about politics. It's fantastic.''
University of Auckland law Prof Jane Kelsey and Public Citizen Global Trade Watch director Lori Wallach spoke to the gathering.
Ms Olsen called them the "experts in New Zealand on the TPP''.
Prof Kelsey said Dunedin had "trumped'' all other cities in its support of the movement and it was not too late to stop the signing.
"They [the Government] are on the back foot in trying to peddle the propaganda here,'' she said.
"It is [not] a done deal.''
Ms Wallach, a political author and a former employee of the United States House of Representatives, reiterated the message that there was still time to stop the signing and a small country like New Zealand should be wary.