Their lack of profile was because no-one heard about them until something went wrong - and that was extremely rare. ''We find that many people don't know what we do and don't even know that anaesthetists are specialist doctors,'' Dr Smith said.
He is one of about 25 Dunedin Hospital anaesthetists, who play a crucial role in emergency, acute and elective procedures.
Yesterday, Dr Smith and some colleagues set up a demonstration in Dunedin Hospital's foyer with an anaesthetic machine, intubation tubes, an ultrasound and other equipment, some of which people could try out for themselves.
It was to mark National Anaesthesia Day, whose medical message this year is urging smokers to give up the habit before an operation, even if they go back to it afterwards.
Giving up for as little as 24 hours before the operation reduced the risk of surgical complications, and allowed better wound healing.