A resource consent is ready to go for a four-level car park behind the former chief post office building, and could add to parking options if the Dunedin City Council decides to move the library there.
A council resource consent committee granted consent to former developer Dan McEwan in 2007 for an 84-vehicle car park in Bond St. At the time, Mr McEwan's plans included an air bridge from the car park to the former post office, but that fell through when plans to redevelop the building into a Hilton Hotel and apartments failed.
The council noted "extensive current parking and the potential for extending parking provisions" when it announced on Monday it was considering moving the library to the Exchange.
Council resource consents manager Alan Worthington said the consent was live for five years after it was granted, and would belong to the new owner, South Canterbury Finance.
Deputy mayor Syd Brown said yesterday there was also a council-owned car park in Crawford St, and the option of having parking in the basement of the former chief post office.