AED installed at hall

Residents of Mosgiel and surrounds can feel more at ease with the installation of a new automated external defibrillator (AED) at the Coronation Hall.

The Coronation Hall Trust funded the device, which is available for use in cardiac arrest situations in the area.

Trust chairman Mark Willis said the AED was bought ''for the community'' and cost about $5000.

''Basically, we [the trust] want to put the money back into the community,'' Mr Willis said.

''The money is nothing compared to what it [the AED] can actually do, which is saving someone's life.''

Mosgiel now has a total of 10 AEDs in the main centre.

Others are located at Mitre 10, the Mosgiel RSA, Mosgiel Fire Station, ASB Mosgiel, Taieri Bowling Club, New World, St John Mosgiel, Mosgiel Public Library and the Mosgiel Health Centre.

Dunedin has a total of 150 AEDs.

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