Student reporter Emily Menkes reflects on her first week back at university.
The fervour of Orientation has left town and everyone seems to be taking themselves seriously, knuckling down to the tasks at hand. Or maybe that's just because I haven't walked through Castle Street so far this year.
All the same there is no palpable sense of panic, not even for those who have received their Law reading bricks, or the equivalent in other subjects, but this is probably because there is a genuine sense of people pacing themselves.
That doesn't exclude the commonplace whine of "my classes suck already!", reminding me of the mass of readings I have to get through.
Although Orientation is over, first semester looks promising with a variety of events.
Yesterday was International Women's Day, celebrated with a revamping of the Women's Room and drinks and nibbles served from 12pm. No boys.
A traditional highlight, the Capping Show, is worth watching as it develops. This year's theme, Alice in Cappingland, is about to be set in motion with auditions starting this week.
The performance is on during May.
May will also see Dunedin playing host to the Battle of the Bands.
Closer events include Healthy Lifestyles Week beginning on April 12th followed by Diversity Week starting on the 19th.