Update on SDHB Disability Strategy

Earlier this year, we asked for your feedback on the Southern DHB Disability Strategy. This informed the draft strategy, which was presented to the board’s Disability Support Advisory Committee (DSAC) in August. A further paper was provided to DSAC at their October meeting providing a snapshot of Disability Services and initiatives underway at Southern DHB https://tinyurl.com/y5shggyl

DSAC has agreed to launch the Disability Strategy at the beginning of 2021 – we will keep you informed about this. A Disability Steering Group will be established with representation from different departments from across the DHB, including IT, Building and Property, Clinical Services, Human Resources.

It will also include community representatives, including Māori and Pasifika, who have lived experience of disability. This group will be responsible for ensuring actions are prioritised across different parts of the organisation.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the development of this important strategy for the wellbeing of our community. For further information please contact disability@southerndhb.govt.nz

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