We all need a bit of extra support every now and again so if you, or someone you know, is struggling, there's a range of free help available.
National helplines:
•Free call or text 1737 to speak with a trained counsellor any time of the day or night (24/7).
•Youthline – 0800 376633, free text 234 or email talk@youthline.co.nz.
•Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or text “help” to 4357 this 24/7 helpline with qualified counsellors and trained volunteers.
•PlunketLine - 0800 933 922. A free 24/7 parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers. Calls are also free from mobile phones.
•What’s up? – 0800 942 8787. This is a nationwide, confidential counselling helpline for children and young people. Counsellors are available 365 days a year and it’s free to call, including from a mobile phone. Check out www.whatsup.org.nz
•Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand www.fds.org.nz offers a nationwide 0800 337877 phone support service 9am-10pm, 7 days per week. The support line is staffed by trained volunteers.
•National Anxiety Helpline: 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY) A free 24/7 help line with trained volunteers.
•Samaritans: 0800 726 666 a free 24/7 help line operated by volunteers to support those experiencing everything from loneliness to despair.
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