Honouring our Nurses and Midwives

International Nurses Day

Another cause for celebration was International Nurses Day last week (12 May), honouring the remarkable contribution nurses make every day to health outcomes in the Southern region.

“We have so many dedicated nurses who come to work every day to do their best by our patients,” says Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Jane Wilson.

“Nurses play a vital role in healthcare, and we respect and admire the important work they do in our Southern Health system and for our community.

“On behalf of Southern DHB, I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our team of over 2200 nurses across the region. Happy International Nurses Day!”


International Day of the Midwife

Southern DHB celebrated International Day of the Midwife on May 5. The DHB acknowledged and gave thanks to our wonderful team of midwives, highlighting the important role they play in the Southern Health system.

Midwives provide care to women and their babies before, during and after birthing in a variety of settings whether at home, at a birthing unit or in the maternity wings of its hospitals.

“Each year more than 3500 babies are born across the district and every single birth has a midwife involved in caring for the mother and her baby,” says Director of Midwifery Heather LaDell.

“We are very proud of our midwives, their achievements and dedication providing high quality care for women and their families.”

Our midwives at Southern DHB work rostered shifts to provide core midwifery services and 24 hour care while women are inpatients. Core midwives work alongside their lead maternity carer colleagues and other health professionals  to ensure women receive the care that meets their needs.


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