Get your household ready for COVID-19

Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19, so we encourage you to be fully vaccinated
before you go on holiday. There are also many simple, practical things you can do to prepare in case you,
or someone in your household becomes unwell, or if COVID-19 becomes common in our community.

Have your contacts ready:
•Your doctor
•Your pharmacy
• Friends
• Neighbours
• School
• Work

Make a plan that includes:
• Essential supplies on hand so you will not need to leave your home if you become ill:
• Avoid panic buying. Add a few extra items every time you shop

• Remember to renew your prescription medications.
• Alternative arrangements in case you become ill or if you need to care for a sick family member. For example:
• Have backup childcare in case you or your usual care provider become ill
• If you care for dependents, have a backup caregiver in place
• If you need to self-isolate away from your home have a back-up person to feed/exercise/ look after your animals
• Talk to your employer about working from home if possible

Shopping checklist:

•dried pasta and rice
•pasta sauces
•canned soups, vegetables and beans
•pet food and supplies
•dried or long life milk
•baking supplies
•food, formula and drinks for babies and small children

•toilet paper
•feminine hygiene products
•nappies and wipes
•facial tissue
•soap, shampoo and conditioner
•alcohol-based hand sanitiser containing at least 60% alcohol

Health care
•Regular medicines
•throat lozengers
•medical masks
•household rubber gloves
•heat and cool packs
•fever-reducing medications
(e.g. paracetamol/ibuprofen)

•paper towels
•plastic bin bags
•laundry detergent
•regular household cleaning products
•hard-surface disinfectant, or if not available, concentrated (5%) liquid bleach and a separate container for dilution

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