In the first of an end-of-year series, ODT online reveals which stories grabbed our readers in 2008.
Today is the turn of the Entertainment section, where one theme dominates. And no, it's not the debate over state-funded broadcasting.

Keeping to the theme of the sex lives of the famous and infamous, the Lohan story was closely followed in popularity by the scandalous tale of how Mini Me's former girlfriend leaked a sex tape of her and Austin Powers star Vince Troyer. There's nothing like a sex tape to cause a little controversy.
On a more wholesome note, Billy Ray Cyrus jumped into the debate over his teenage daughter's Miley's nude photo shoot, surely a move prompted purely by fatherly affection and not to elbow her out of the headlines for five minutes.

Hugh Hefner found life is not all pillow-fights and pool parties, as he became depressed over being dumped by one of his several dozen girlfriends, and Ms Lohan popped back into the headlines after a story appeared that she was to marry her DJ gal-pal.

Paris Hilton came in surprisingly low on the list, but not on the taste-ometer, with the revelation that a well-known British artist had made a collage portrait of her out of porn magazine images.
Our very own Shortland Street managed to steam up the screen with a telling off from the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) over a gay sex scene that went too far.
And Otago's very own mega-superstar Shania Twain rounds out the list, revealing she was broken hearted after splitting with her husband, record producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange.
The list:
1/ Lindsay Lohan finds lesbian love
2/ Mini Me's ex-girlfriend leaked sex tape
3/ Billy Ray: I didn't know they'd 'strip down' Miley
5/ Hefner down after being dumped
6/ Lindsay Lohan to marry lesbian lover
7/ Entertainers sing Rob Guest's praises
8/ Paris Hilton portrait a collage of porn images
9/ 'Shortland Street' sex scene goes too far - BSA
10/ I'm broken-hearted, Twain tells fans