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Motorcycle Replacements co-owner Rick Jamieson looks over a 2019 Super Soco TC electric moped....
Motorcycle Replacements co-owner Rick Jamieson looks over a 2019 Super Soco TC electric moped. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN
Electric mopeds are proving a swift and silent sales success in Dunedin.

The bikes, which look like motorcycles but make little sound, have nearly tripled the sales expectations of a local motorcycle retailer.

A shipment of four types of Super Soco mopeds, TS  Electric, TC, Cux and Cux Ducati, arrived at Motorcycle Replacements last November.

The shop owners expected the shipment to last six months, but to their surprise they only have a few left after only three months on the shop floor.

Co-owner Rachel Jamieson said customers were buying the electric bikes mainly for commuting and free parking purposes.

"We had a customer the other day who lost their car park in the city and was looking to get an electric bike.

"They are in their 70s and had not ridden a motorcycle since they were 17."

Prices for the bikes ranged from about $4000 to $5000 and recharging cost about 50c a time.

It could go between 60km and 80km on one charge, which was enough for a week’s commuting for some customers, she said.

With a top speed of up to 70kmh, they had been tried and tested on Dunedin’s hills.

"When we got them, the first thing we wanted to make sure of was how they were going to handle the hills.

"They got up to around 30kmh going up Stafford St."

The shop was set to receive a new model, a Super Soco TC Max, in mid-March, which they believed would be the first registered electric motorcycle in Dunedin.

It could reach a top speed of about 100kmh and could travel about 100km on one charge.

 - Molly Houseman


Good stuff. I loved my motorbike and I really like the idea of getting an electric one. There's already at least one electric motorbike in Dunedin though. My work colleague built one last year based on a Ninja.

Nice 750 SS Ducati in the background a true work of art to a mechanical mind,not remotely interested in the electric thing.

