Last year Starters Bar in Clyde St was bought by the Otago University Student Association as a way to provide a safe and controlled space where students could drink.
It has had to apply for a new on-licence which has been opposed by a neighbouring landlord.
Kathryn Seque runs two flats which immediately border the bar and in her objection said drunk patrons often jumped the low fence between the bar's courtyard and her property in Frederick St.
She also alleged underage patrons often used her properties to enter the bar because there was no security in the courtyard area.
Tenants have also complained about finding broken glass, vomit and urine near the flats, she said.
''I shouldn't have to hire my own guards for my own properties on nights the bar is open to 1am.''
The problems were not new and had persisted under the bar's former owners and Ms Seque said she did not believe they would be solved under the new ownership.
A district licensing committee hearing on the matter is set for May 13.
Association chief executive Debbie Downs said changes would be made to the bar's procedures and physical modifications added to the outdoor area to address Ms Seque's concerns.
Both police alcohol harm prevention officer Sergeant Ian Paulin and the medical officer of health Toni Paterson have opposed the application as it asks for closing hours of 1am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, outside the allowed hours for suburban bars in the local alcohol policy.
The bar is one of seven which have opposed the new closing times set under the policy and a decision on that matter is likely to be released this week.
Sgt Paulin had no other objections to the application and said the association was impressive in all aspects of running the bar.
Since when was Frederick street "suburban"?
It's suburban because that allows the police to find a reason to oppose the alcohol application. It's city because that allows the police to oppose other applications and include it in statistics about city crime.
Cheaper alcohol will help solve any problems!
How and why is a publican/Licence holder responsible for what happens down the road a bit,to me it appears that a bit of good old fashioned policing is lacking. I remember many years ago three young men were caught by police urinating on a building down the road a bit from a very popular Dunedin pub. They were later taken to the Magistrates Court and fined. It cured the problem...
Publicans are responsible for the state of their patrons. Assuming it is correct that the characters in question were in an inebriated state at the pub then that is the publicans responsibility.
I found vomit, urine, and broken glass outside Countdown. Lets close Countdown.
How immature are the Students Association when they ask for cheaper alcohol in their controlled space (the Starters Bar) where students can drink safely. Just get them to drink LESS. That's how they will be safe- wherever they are. Safe for their neighbours too.