Students were recognised for their achievements in the Kaikorai Valley College 2024 senior prizegiving
Year 11 Awards:
Lucas Bain, diligence in English, mathematics, physical education, science and technology wood; Harmony Baker-Wihongi, subject commendation in hospitality; Sophie Bartley, diligence in art, English, hospitality, mathematics, music and science; Tylo Bonthuys, 3rd place in digital technology, diligence in technology wood; Dallis Bosworth, 1st place in art, diligence in mathematics; Liam Dick, 1st place in music, diligence in digital technology, English, mathematics and physical education; Grace Duxbury, 1st place in geography, Japanese, physical education and science, 2nd place in English and mathematics, diligence in English and mathematics; Ishika Eshrani, diligence in design and visual communication and mathematics; Zara Evans, 3rd place in geography, subject commendation in English, diligence in history; Jamin Falwasser, 3rd place in music, diligence in mathematics and physical education; Finn Haughey, subject commendation in English and mathematics, diligence in mathematics; Reed Hipgrave, subject commendation in mathematics and music, diligence in English, mathematics, physical education and science, Louka Holden, diligence in art and mathematics; Joshua Hopping, award for senior design and visual communication,2nd place in physical education, subject commendation in music and science, diligence in English, design and visual communication and mathematics; Azariah Hughes, subject commendation in hospitality; Chloe Hughes, 3rd place in drama, diligence in English, geography, mathematics, physical education and science; Annina Imfeld, diligence in drama and physics; Charles Jansen, diligence in mathematics; Sophie Jones. 2nd place in drama, diligence in English, mathematics and physical education; Mizuki Kajiyama, 1st place in esol, mathematics and urban farm esol, 2nd Place in physical education, subject commendation in esol, level 2 painting and science, diligence in mathematics and urban farm esol; Christoph Kwast, diligence in physics; Janelle Martin, diligence in English and music; James Pedersen, diligence in English, design and visual communication, mathematics and technology wood; Liam Preston, diligence in mathematics and music; Max Quigley, 2nd place in science, 3rd place in mathematics, subject commendation in music, diligence in English, MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION; Ezekiel Renton, diligence in art and hospitality; Blake Rickerby, diligence in English, drama and mathematics; Sophie Rielly, diligence in English, drama, geography and history; Kayden Robinson, diligence in music and mathematics; Shalia Rowe, diligence in history and hospitality; Grace Shemely, diligence in English, drama, mathematics, music, science and textiles technology; Niachelle Steenekamp 2nd place in English, geography, history and Japanese, 3rd place in science, diligence in English and history; Aditya Surira, 1st Place in digital technology, diligence in technology metal; James Tate, diligence in English, hospitality, mathematics, science and technology wood; Cody Te Ngahue-Forbes, cup for the greatest contribution to music, 2nd place in music, diligence in mathematics; Alex Tiffany, 2nd place in digital technology, subject commendation in mathematics, diligence in English and mathematics; Wairangi Tunoho, diligence in technology wood; Fynn Watkin-Robertson, subject commendation in English, diligence in mathematics and technology wood; Bailey Wells, 1st place in English and history, 3rd place in Japanese, diligence in English, geography, history, mathematics and science; Joshua White, 1st place in drama, subject commendation in English and geography, diligence in mathematics, physical education and science; Hikone Yokosaka, 2nd place in esol, 3rd place in urban farm esol, diligence in esol, geography and urban farm esol
Year 12 Awards:
Alyssa Bayne, award for excellence in science, 1st place in biology, 2nd place in chemistry, 3rd place in English; Lucas Bevin, subject commendation in physical education diligence in technology wood; Andrea Bonifazi, diligence in mathematics; Lexie Bottomley, 1st place in hospitality, diligence in gateway and mathematics; Skyla Brown, diligence in English, history, Japanese and mathematics; Hayley Brown-Fogarty, diligence in physical education; Amy Clarke, 2nd place in hospitality, diligence in design and visual communication, English, Mathematics, media studies; Sharlett Cooper, subject commendation in biology, diligence in chemistry and painting; Ethan Cosgrove, diligence in English and mathematics; Hayley Crawford, 1st place in photography, diligence in English and mathematics; Drew Dasler, award for top year 12 mathematics student, 1st place in mathematics, 2nd place in biology, diligence in physical education; Taylor Dennison, 3rd place in digital technology, diligence in photography; Mackenzie Dinnissen, 1st place in physical education, 2nd place in photography, diligence in English, history, mathematics and media studies; Lucas Evans, diligence in English, history and mathematics; Sam Finch, diligence in brathwaite centre literacy, mathematics, physical education and spec; Tomoaki Funayama, diligence in esol; Tayla Gascoyne, 1st place in drama, diligence in English, mathematics and physical education; Jack Gibb, 2nd place in digital technology, diligence in English, geography, history and mathematics; Laurence Gordon, 2nd place in drama, diligence in mathematics; Madison Hammer, 1st place in painting, subject commendation in biology, diligence in chemistry and media studies; Amy Hitchcox, 1st place in English, 3rd place in photography and textiles technology, diligence in biology, geography, mathematics and textiles technology; Janco Horn, 2nd place in media studies, 3rd place in chemistry, subject commendation in physics, diligence in English and technology metal; Matt Hurring, diligence in mathematics; Caleb Jones, mainland fasteners award, diligence in technology wood; Krystal Kerr, diligence in English, hospitality and media studies; Nichanun Khamsrikaew, 1st place in hospitality, 3rd place in music, diligence in media studies and painting; Zara Kleinlangevelsloo, award for senior practical textiles technology, 1st place in geography, history and textiles technology, 2nd place in English, diligence in textiles technology; Riko Kondo, diligence in esol; Ruben Levens, diligence in music; Kiane Maestro, subject commendation in media studies and tourism and travel, diligence in biology; Yuki Matsuura, 1st place in esol and urban farm esol, subject commendation in esol, diligence in hospitality, physical education and urban farm esol; Layla Maynard, diligence in mathematics and tourism and travel; Catherine McLeod,1st place in music, 2nd place in physical education, diligence in English, history, Japanese and mathematics; Cayden McVicker, diligence in mathematics and physical education; Hannah Miller, diligence in biology and tourism and travel; Takeru Miyoshi, diligence in esol, hospitality and urban farm esol; Memphis Muir, 1st place in digital technology, 2nd place in music and physics, 3rd place in mathematics, diligence in English and textiles technology; Kwan Yi Ng, 2nd place in biology and mathematics, 3rd place in physics, subject commendation in esol, Diligence in chemistry and technology wood; Pharitporn Panitkachonkul, 2nd place in esol, textiles technology and urban farm esol, 3rd place in painting, diligence in esol, hospitality, textiles technology and urban farm esol; Dania Piatov, diligence in physics; Jasmine Rankin, 2nd place in history, subject commendation in media studies; Euwen Robson-Roberts, diligence in technology metal; Jade Scott, diligence in Japanese; Gabriel Sealy, diligence in English and mathematics; Josh Serna, diligence in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physical education; Justyn Stephens, diligence in hospitality; Nabo Suh, diligence in esol; James Sutherland, 1st place in physics, subject commendation in music, diligence in hospitality and Japanese; Thomas Sutherland, 1st place in chemistry and media studies, 2nd place in painting, diligence in design and visual communication; Virtuous Tabe, 3rd place in physical education, diligence in English, gateway, mathematics and textiles technology; Austin Thomas Ching, diligence in mathematics; Miyu Toyama, diligence in esol; Sawa Toyoda, diligence in urban farm esol; Bailey Walters, diligence in English and music, Ko Ho Yiu, diligence in physical education
Year 13 Awards:
Thaer Akleh, diligence in physical education and physics; Manaka Arai, 2nd place in music, diligence in statistics; Adrien Auvray Matyn, language cup, 1st place in calculus, French and Japanese, subject commendation in English and physical education; Samuel Bennett, diligence in calculus; Thomas Burns, drama cup for contribution to drama, 1st place in drama, diligence in geography; Tristin Carey-Bailey, 1st place in gateway, diligence in outdoor pursuits; Blake Clark, diligence in brathwaite centre drama, literacy, music spec and outdoor pursuits; Daniel Comins, trophy for the student showing the most passion in biology, 1st place in biology and chemistry, 3rd place in physics, subject commendation in calculus, diligence in Japanese; Emilie Cook, 2nd place in Japanese and physics, 3rd place in chemistry, subject commendation in biology and calculus; Samantha Elliott, 1st place in English and outdoor pursuits, 2nd place in chemistry, 3rd place in biology and calculus; Arlya Gordon, top hospitality award for most promising hospitality student, 1st place in history, hospitality and statistics, diligence in biology and chemistry; Bea Harbrow, cup for photography, 1st place in photography; Kaden Hopping, 1st place in music, diligence in outdoor pursuits and statistics; Daimon Hughes, 1st place in physical education, 3rd place in drama, diligence in English, physics and technology wood; Freya Hunter, diligence in media studies; Tara MacKay, award for commitment to art, 1st place in geography and painting, 2nd place in statistics, diligence in art history; Keziah Maestro, 3rd place in statistics, subject commendation in esol, diligence in hospitality; Ka Lok Man, Diligence in esol, hospitality and physical education; Shelby Marsden, diligence in media studies; Sophie Marsh, 2nd place in hospitality, subject commendation in history, diligence in geography; Nevaeh McKenzie, award for contribution to Te Reo Māori, 2nd place in drama, diligence in biology and English; Omar Momani, diligence in brathwaite centre physical education; Hunter Moreton, 3rd place in physical education, subject commendation in calculus, diligence in biology and Japanese; Hunor cup for scientific leadership, 1st place in physics, 2nd place in biology, Japanese and mathematics with calculus; Liza Piatova, 2nd place in English, Subject commendation in biology, diligence in statistics; Maanveer Pillay, 2nd place in in physical education, diligence in English and gateway; Bhavya Prasad, diligence in drama; Amelia Quigley, 2nd place in history, diligence in chemistry; Dartanyon Richards, 3rd place in music, diligence in technology wood; Suryanayan Sudheesh, subject commendation in music, diligence in English; Kelsey Wadley, diligence in drama; Ashlee Walters, spec headway award, diligence in brathwaite centre community programmes and spec; Damion Webb, spec, headway award, diligence in brathwaite centre art, drama, literacy, mathematics, music and spec, Ella Woodward, subject commendation in travel and tourism, diligence in drama and media studies
Otago University Scholarships
Hunor Peter University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Emilie Cook University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Liza Piatova Otago University 150th Anniversary Scholarship
Daniel Comins Otago University 150th Anniversary Scholarship
Otago Polytechnic Scholarship
Maanveer Pillay Otago Polytechnic Principal's Leadership Award
Hunter Moreton Otago Polytechnic Mana Pounamu Scholarship
Arlya Gordon CATE Scholarship
Special Prizes
Thomas Burns, Outstanding Contribution to Junior Activities Award; James Tate, Contribution to the Urban Farm Award; Ng Kwan Yi, Contribution to School Life Award; Hunter Moreton, Whāia te iti Kahurāngi Award; Maanveer Pillay, Pasifika Award; Liza Piatova, Communication Award; Hunter Moreton, Lead and Inspire Award; Harry de Woeps, Service to the School Cup; Samantha Elliott, Resilience and Determination Cup, Emilie Cook, All Round Excellence Cup; Ashlee Walters, Brathwaite Centre Student of the Year Award; Tristin Carey Bailey, Vocational Excellence Award, Grace Duxbury, Academic Excellence at Year 11 Trophy, Zara Kleinlangevelsloo, Academic Excellence at Year 12 Cup
Geoff Broad Memorial Awards:
Proxime Accessit: Hunor Peter
Dux: Adrien Auvray Matyn
Sports and Cultural Prizegiving – 16 October 2024
Athletics: Samantha Elliott, cup, senior girls; Iuean McAulay, trophy, senior boys; Virtuous Tabe, cup, intermediate girls (u16); Kayden Robinson, cup, intermediate boys (U16); Hunor Peter, cup, senior 1500m; Azariah Hughes, trophy, junior girls (u15); Manaaki Ropata, trophy, junior boys (u15); Mille Burgess, trophy, minor girls (u14); Yuuki McIntosh Yamada, trophy, minor boys (u14); Isla Dinnissen, ATHLETICS TROPHY, year 7 girls; Benjamin Fitiao-Cross, athletics trophy, year 7 boys; Isaiah Siggleko, athletics trophy, year 7 boys; Emily Bevin, athletics trophy, year 8 girls; Troy Wana, athletics trophy, year 8 boys;
Cross Country: Mackenzie Dinnissen, cup, senior girls; Hunor Peter, cup, senior boys; Virtuous Tabe, cup, intermediate girls (u16); Kayden Robinson, cup, intermediate boys (u16); Eden Bell-Nash, cup, junior girls (u15); George Canning, cup, junior boys (u15); Millie Burgess, cup, minor girls (u14); Danyon Bent, Cup, minor boys (u14); Ruby Nicholson, cup, year 8 girls; Oran Hunter, trophy, year 8 boys; Ghazal Aldouss, trophy, year 7 girls; Nixon Rowe-Sharkey, trophy, year 7 boys
Badminton: Hunter Moreton, cup, service to boys’ badminton; Emilie Cook, cup, services to girls’ badminton;
Basketball: Hunter Moreton, Cup, most valuable boy basketball player; Azariah Hughes, trophy, most valuable girl basketball player; junior a boys; cup best performed basketball team; Bella Geekie, trophy, year 9 and 10 girls’ most valuable player; Noah Fitiao-Cross, trophy, year 9 and 10 boys’ most valuable player;
Futsal: Nichanun Khamsrikaew, girls’ futsal trophy, most valuable player; Matthew Barrett, Boys’ futsal trophy, most valuable player; George Canning, junior boys’ futsal trophy, most valuable player; Kobi Rohtmets, girls’ futsal, most valuable player; Cameron Wilson, boys’ futsal, most valuable player
Golf: Matt Hurring, golf, most improved player; James Tate, golf, player of the year
Handball: Hunter Moreton, cup, greatest contribution to handball
Judo: Aditya Surira, cup, best judoka; Sophie Bartley, judo club trophy, most improved judoka
Lifesaving: Mackenzie Dinnissen, cup, contribution to lifesaving
Miniball: Payton Pearson-Halbert, trophy, most promising girl miniball player
Troy Wana, Trophy, most promising boy miniball player
Netball: Natalie Weis, trophy, most promising junior netball player
Amy Hitchcox, Cup, most valuable netball player; senior a, cup, best performed netball team; Grace Duxbury, trophy, most improved senior netball player; Mackenzie Dinnissen, netball trophy, greatest contribution to netball; Bella Geekie, netball trophy, most improved junior netball player; Kailah McLaren, year 7 and 8 netball trophy, most promising player; Isla Dinnissen, year 7 and 8 netball trophy, most improved player; Azariah Hughes, netball trophy, most promising senior player
Outdoor Pursuits: Samantha Elliott, outdoor pursuits trophy, outstanding contribution
Soccer: Daniel Duxbury, junior boys’ soccer trophy, most promising junior player; Danyon Bent, boys’ soccer trophy, most improved player; Maanveer Pillay, soccer cup, most promising player; boys senior xi, football cup, best performed team
Table Tennis: Ella Woodward, girls’ table tennis cup, greatest contribution; Graham Lee, Boy’s table tennis cup, greatest contribution
Touch: Hunter Moreton, touch trophy, best and fairest player; Noah Fitiao-Cross, Junior touch trophy, most promising junior player; Oran Hunter, trophy, most promising yr 7 & 8 touch player
Thomas Burns, cup, most valuable boys’ volleyball player; Nevaeh McKenzie, trophy, most valuable girls’ volleyball player
Waterpolo: Hunor Peter, waterpolo trophy, most valuable player
Other Prizes: brathwaite centre award, Lukas Vandervis, the brathwaite centre sport award athletes with disabilities; challenge cup: Nader Aldouss, 1000km challenge cup; Amy Andrews, p.r.i.d.e. trophy, student with highest sponsorship
Adrien Auvray Matyn, stone street trophy
Cultural Awards Cups And Trophies
Liam Dick, music, excellence in instrumental playing in a group; Arni-Ka Williams, music centre trophy, most promising junior instrumentalist; Catherine McLeod, award, excellence in performance singing; Brooklyn Guise, award, junior instrumentalist; Hunor Peter, award, contribution to kapa haka; Thomas Burns, trophy, promise in performance; Graham Lee, trophy, promise in junior drama; Sam Finch, brathwaite centre, cultural award
Special Awards: Amber Hurring, cup for junior music performance; Hunter Moreton, cup performance in and contribution to senior boys sport; Mackenzie Dinnissen, cup performance in and contribution to senior girls sport; Bella Geekie, the trophy for all round performance and contribution to junior girls sport; Noah Fitiao-Cross, trophy for all round performance and contribution to junior boys sport; Noah Fitiao-Cross, leadership trophy for junior sport; Lillian Bain, the trophy for outstanding junior sporting performances; Liam Shand, trophy fairplay in sport; Liza Piatova, valley arts/cultural person of the year; Hunor Peter, award, consistent and positive contribution to kapa haka at KVC; Ella Woodward, sportsperson of the year