It was only after Dunedin youth worker and artist Fiona Gill challenged her art class to enter a photography contest that she finally decided to enter herself.
Dunedin's School of Dentistry is urging wider funding support for life-saving oral cancer tests provided by the country’s only dedicated dental pathology service.
A ground-breaking Dunedin study shows that smart technology helps young people monitor their type 1 diabetes but does not improve overall glucose control.
The Ohau fire and its heavy property damage bears out warnings that climate change would cause "more severe" fire danger, Queenstown climate scientist Jim Salinger says.
Heavy rain caused surface flooding in parts of southern Southland yesterday, particularly in Invercargill and Riverton, as paddocks were soaked and some roads closed.
The Otago Yacht Club’s sailing school has been revitalised by the arrival of a former Olympic coach, his Olympic gold-medallist wife and six new Open Skiffs.